3 Ways to Get Over Insecurity

3 Ways to Get Over Insecurity

Author of Manifestation Miracle

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3 Ways to Get Over Insecurity

Nobody is immune to insecurity. Everybody we know has had at least one moment of weakness wherein they let their insecurities dictate their actions.

It’s not something to be ashamed of.

Insecurity is hard to get rid of, no matter how beautiful you are, successful, talented, and smart.

Some say the smartest and most beautiful ones are actually even more insecure because they think that’s all they have to offer or that’s all there is to them.

A healthy image of one’s self is not as common as one would like to think. There are many people who view themselves in a distorted way.

There are a few ways we can try to minimize the effect of our insecurities on us. Here are some of them.

#1. Build self-confidence

It’s not easy trying to tell yourself that you’re good enough because truth be told, there really are things that happen in your life that makes you believe otherwise.

The trick is to have something in your life that you’re devoted to—a passion.

Having something that’s entirely yours, something that you create, something you do that you’re good at will help build your confidence in yourself.

A talent of yours should be honed and made into a skill. This could open different opportunities for you as well, career-wise.

Knowing you’re good at something and continuously practicing that skill can make a real difference in how you feel about yourself.

#2. Learn to spot compliments

People say good things about you on a daily basis, but sometimes you have to read between the lines.

For example, when a friend tells you “I like your shirt”, that also means “You have a great sense of style”, or when someone tells you “You made me smile today, thank you”, that could imply that you have a gift for making people happy by being yourself.

Think back on all the compliments you have received and also think about what they said subliminally. You don’t always hear what you want to hear, but sometimes it’s just there waiting to be recognized.

Sometimes the compliment is even better than what we thought it meant.

#3. Don’t give it power

Your insecurities are not visible to other people from the outside. It’s your feelings about it, how you handle it that shows people what you’re trying desperately to hide.

There are different emotions in your head that can be fed. If you keep on feeding the ones that fuel your insecurities, then that’s the one that increases in energy and overpowers the ones that can manage it.

Don’t give them the power to paralyze you. Insecurities thrive on constant thought and fear of not being enough.

Condition yourself to believe the better half of who you are and let that half battle out the one that makes you doubt yourself.

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