Modern Philanthropists: 3 Ways to Give Back

Author of Manifestation Miracle

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Modern Philanthropists: 3 Ways to Give Back

Philanthropy should be a part of everyone’s life. It’s not just big companies with a lot of dispensable income who should be urged to participate in giving back to the community.

It is everyone’s responsibility to have their own social awareness and how to give a hand to those in need of it.

Philanthropy doesn’t just have to be dispensing funds to the less fortunate. It can take a lot of different forms. And with the world shaping up to be a digital one, there are more ways, more avenues to extend help to others besides donating money.

Some people think that millennials are lazy and indifferent, using social media as their platform for everything. But in reality, they’re on to something here.

As we all know, the internet already intersects with everything else, and it helps us stay connected to each other in more ways than one. So naturally, it becomes the chosen stage to perform in order for the whole world to see–the world wide web that is.

Here are 3 new ways we can give back through the digital world:

Spreading knowledge

There are so many things made accessible to us on a daily basis if we just have a good internet connection. We have access to the news around the globe and also down to the news around the block.

By sharing information through Facebook, Instagram, and YouTube, millennials have found a way to help out just by disseminating it in different platforms.

They not only repost what has already been reported, but they are also the reporters of the community now. They always have gadgets on them, recording their surroundings, the happenings around the neighborhoods, and as such, they are also able to capture important bits of news here and there.

Contributing clips of bullying, animal abuse, lost pets, and also of the good things like heroic deeds, kind gestures, etc.

We are all privy to these information now because everyone is using the tools that are within their reach to be part of something bigger.

Connecting communities

It’s one thing to report on the happenings around you, and another to take action. With the endless possibilities given by the internet, we are now more equipped to connect causes to people and vice versa.

For example, we hear about bullying in a school, the parents of the bullied party asks for help. Not only does the immediate community reach out to them, but the nearby communities are also likely to join in their cause and establish a solid foundation to address or battle the same particular problem.

They form a community online, open up forums to report new cases, to form patrols, to offer support groups, etc.

By building communities for specific causes, or by being a member of one or a few of those, we are doing our part in making the world a safer place. The internet makes it easier for people to form groups and to share experiences and to act.

Online donations

For those who are more inclined to donate funds, the internet has also provided many ways to be able to safely donate money to charities/causes. It’s not just the big corporations now that you can donate online to. Even individuals or private organizations are able to take online donations now.

With the existence of Paypal and other payment methods online like bank transfers, credit card transactions and the like, it’s easier now more than ever to donate to causes even halfway around the world.

Banks are offering new kinds of cards, online credit cards, that can be used to load money and spend online if you don’t want to have a credit card per se.

Even individuals who need personal donations for their own surgeries or medical needs are able to reach out to millions of people to donate to them directly, and we are able to help with a click of a button.

If that’s not power, I don’t know what is.

Philanthropy is no longer something reserved for the elite or the financially well-off. Everyone is a philanthropist in this digital world of ours. All we have to do is to ‘share’ and ‘send’ #blessings.

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Kind regards,
