4 Important Questions to Keep Yourself in Check

Author of Manifestation Miracle

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4 Important Questions to Keep Yourself in Check

Everyone feels off track every now and then. There are days we wake up feeling dissatisfied with what we’ve done with our lives, questioning when we started selling out our dreams for money, when did we become this kind of person, this kind of partner, parent, etc.

We panic at the realization that we’re not where we thought we’d be in our career or in our lives by this time.

We can’t fully avoid having a quarter or mid-life crises as it’s all part of the process of evolution, but we should learn how to ask the right questions in order to keep yourself in check and assess ourselves fairly.

We are our worst critics, and these guide questions will help you determine how you fare against your ideals or the life you envisioned for yourself.

Am I being true to myself?

Yes, you know yourself, but is it an updated version or are you still basing it on a previous version of yourself. It’s important that you acknowledge that you are not the same person you were back in college.

A lot of your principles have been tested, your ideals have evolved, your ambitions have changed or branched out. Who are you NOW?

It’s important that you familiarize yourself with the person you have become. If you don’t like it, then it’s good to know exactly why.

If you do think this is a better you, find out what it is that changed in you.

Do I keep a good company?

A large part of who we are is also influenced by the people we keep around us whether it’s on a social level or a professional one. All of them play vital roles in our lives.

Your family is your rock. They are your foundation, your pillars of strength, the people you can depend on.

Have you built yourself a home that nurtures communication among family members? Have you built your family relationships on trust, honesty, openness, and other values you deem important?

It’s also good to check the friends you keep. They have more power than we care to admit sometimes. Make sure that they are good system for support, even if that support comes in the form of disagreeing with you from time to time and pointing out your mistakes.

The people you surround yourself with should be the kinds of people you look up to as well, the kind of people that can be your compass for when you get lost from time to time.

Am I using my talents well?

We were all given our gifts for a reason. If your chosen profession doesn’t make use of your talents, make sure that some aspect of your life is.

It’s important that we see where we are good at. It will give us the confidence we need to put the right value in ourselves.

Sometimes, people forget the skills they have because they don’t practice it or because their work doesn’t really require that much of them, but it’s such a waste of perfectly good potential.

If you’re good at something, you owe it to yourself to incorporate that somehow into your daily life.

Am I living the life I want?

Because we change over time–our values, ideals, character, desires–we need to constantly check if they line up consistently with each other. Our happiness, in general, depends on it.

You have to know yourself in the present in order to know what you want out of life. Only then will you be able to strategize how to go after the life that you want.

Have the courage to be the person you want to be, to be true to yourself at all times, and to live accordingly.

Don’t wait to feel regret over living a life that doesn’t feel like yours.

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Enjoy and have a great day.

Kind regards,
