5 Childish Things that Can Help Us

5 Childish Things that Can Help Us

Author of Manifestation Miracle

People always say we need to grow up. That we need to leave behind our childish dreams, our silly notions, and carefree nature.

We need to mature faster than our loans in order to pay for them. We need to get jobs that will afford us the lifestyle we want or dream to have. We need to get cars, houses, careers, spouses, kids, gadgets, all while trying not to lose ourselves in the process.

But how do we do all that from outside of a mental institution, right? We need to find ways on how to balance the seriousness and the silliness of life, which for the most part is quite a challenge.

Ironically enough, one way adults can keep adulting and keep sane is sometimes by bringing out the child in us.

Here are a few of those things that can help us through it all:

#1. Taking a nap

Even as children, and the term hasn’t been invented yet, we all had the FOMO syndrome. Nap was the enemy that kept us indoors, away from our friends, bikes, the playground.

It was not one of our favorite things.

But now as adults, man, naps are the bomb. There’s nothing like a midday shut-eye to keep us on our toes the rest of the day.

Squeezing in even 10-15 minute power naps during lunch break will give you just the right boost. If a nap isn’t possible, just try closing your eyes for a few minutes.

#2. Coloring outside the lines

With all this adulting we have to do, we’re always “coloring within the lines”, getting our ducks in a row, worrying about crossing boundaries, not meeting expectations, etc.

So we need an outlet where we can do what we feel like, where we can freely break rules and not have consequences.

Ergo, coloring books.

You can do with it what you will. If you want to color outside the lines, knock yourself out. If you want to keep things organized, maybe unlike your schedule and things you can’t control, then go do that.

Anything goes!

#3. Indulge in a bubble bath

Remember those times when your mom would repeatedly ask if you were out of the tub? Finished taking a bath? What’s taking you so long? And you know it’s because of the rubber duckies, bubbles and all sorts of fun that you can have in there that’s making you stay a little longer than you should.

You should definitely do that.

We are always in a rush to meetings, errands, dinners, that we see taking a bath as just another thing we have to do. Find time to slow down and enjoy a bath once in a while. Maybe not with rubber duckies, but a book and a glass of wine.

#4. Watch cartoons

Laughter really is a good medicine. The news we watch or hear about day in and day out can really get us down.

With all the wars, chaos, and political mumbo-jumbos happening all around, we can’t help but feel hopeless.

Tuning in to cartoons will really help you to get away from those negative thoughts, those exhausting commentaries on the world and just have the energy to laugh at something.

#5. Hang out with friends

While it seems like there’s really no time to be joking around with our friends, we really need to make time for them, not just for their sake, but also for ours.

It’s important to keep our relationships in check and exert effort into maintaining them. But equally important is that we push ourselves to connect with others.

It’s healthy to exchange ideas, feelings, and thoughts with other people. It helps unburden us on a personal level while fulfilling us on a social level.

But if you’re not feeling fulfilled in other areas of your life, such as in your career or financial status, there is something else you can do about it.

I stumbled upon a “lazy person secret” which allowed me to manifest everything I desired in my life, such as wealth, abundance and prosperity.

It also allowed me to leave the soulless rat race for good and even enhanced my relationships tenfold.

It had to do with the “missing ingredient” to the Law of Attraction. Most people get stuck because they’re not sure how to make this work for them, but all that is about to change.

If you want to know the secret behind The Secret, go check out this free presentation now:

Jumpstart Your Manifestation Success and Create the Life You’ve Always Wanted (VIDEO)