5 Important Things We Often Take for Granted

Author of Manifestation Miracle

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5 Important Things We Often Take for Granted

It’s undeniable that for most of us, there really are things, people, and opportunities that we take for granted.

It’s of course unfortunate, but in the busy-ness of daily life, you can’t avoid this completely.

Just to make you more aware of the things that matter and the things that should always be on your list of priorities, here are the most common things we overlook.

Spending time with loved ones

This is usually the number one thing we take for granted, especially for those of us who work really long hours and sometimes weekends too.

Not all of us are given the privilege to not bring work home, and even when we are, sometimes we take work with us in thought.

Even when we’re at home among family, we are only really there physically.

This harms your relationships and also your overall well-being. This can cause friction between partners and between parents and children.

The disconnect can leave you feeling spent more than you should.

Doing nothing

Happy are the days when we can take our time in our pajamas and eat a leisurely breakfast while watching mindless shows on TV.

Days like these are getting scarcer and scarcer. We tend to pack our days with as much schedule as we can, but we fail to realize that having downtime is also something we need to make time for.

Schedule a time for doing absolutely nothing.

It’s good to be able to relax and not be anxious in a fast-paced world where everything is expected to give instant results.

Appreciating nature

When was the last time you were one with nature? You don’t need to be out there hiking or camping if that’s not your cup of tea.

But you don’t need activities like that to commune with Mother Nature.

The parks in the city are little oases that we can go to when we’re craving for some greenery.

Just a stroll in it or parking yourself on a bench could really relax you.

Being in the concrete jungle all the time could really suck out all the energy from you.

The rushing of cars, the tooting of horns, and even the bright lights that adorn every corner with ads and whatnot, all contribute to the feeling of restlessness.

Having the basic necessities

Clothes, shelter, food, and a job are all basic necessities, but not everybody has them.

If you’re lucky enough to have all four and then some, well, you best be grateful for it.

There are so many people out there struggling, and if you find yourself living comfortably with a few kinks here and there, you’re still in a better position than a lot of other people who have none of the things indicated above.

Count life’s blessings, not its shortcomings.

Being healthy

In between all our complaints about life, we sometimes forget to be grateful for the simplest things, like waking up at all for another day!

Being able to breathe on our own, to get up and walk, to see, taste, and smell things—those are all things to be thankful for.

You have to be grateful for the things you’re still able to do because not everybody is blessed that way.

A cancer patient is fighting for at least one more day to experience life, and you, think about how you spend a day, with a healthy mind and body to boot. Don’t waste it doing nothing and being pessimistic.

If you’re healthy, then you have everything you need to make your life good, comfortable, and worth living.

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Enjoy and have a great day.

Kind regards,
