Articles by Heather Mathews

Change Anything with the Power of Self-Hypnosis

Change Anything with the Power of Self-Hypnosis

Author of Manifestation Miracle Whether you realize it or not, you’ve already been hypnotized. It can happen when you’re driving home in your car. You pull up into your driveway and find that you’re unable to remember part of the journey. You’ve driven the route hundreds of times, and the…

From Zero to Hero

From Zero to Hero: An Unstoppable Self-Belief

Author of Manifestation Miracle Many considered Chris Gardner a “nobody”. A man trying hopelessly to make ends meet. Forced to sell over-priced bone density scanners that no-one wanted to buy. Living hand-to-mouth from one day to the next. Struggling to feed his family and desperate to break free from the…

4 Non-Toxic Ways To Deal With Anger

Author of Manifestation Miracle One of the biggest mistakes I used to make in keeping my temper in check was to treat anger as a sort of evil entity. Instead of accepting it as a perfectly human response to a bad situation, I’d worry too much about experiencing the emotion…

The Unbelievable Power of Placebo

The Unbelievable Power of Placebo

Author of Manifestation Miracle Technology is advancing at an astonishing rate. Developers are squeezing computer components into smaller and smaller spaces so that it’s possible to fit millions of microprocessors onto the head of a pin. Yet despite this rapid growth in capability, the human brain remains the most powerful…

boost brain power

7 Ways To Boost Your Brain Power Right Now

Author of Manifestation Miracle How fit is your brain? Is it flabby or flat-out fabulous? If your recall or memory isn’t what it used to be or you sometimes feel fuzzy and unfocused, you may need to take your brain to the neural gym. Emerging evidence proves you can boost…

How To Kick Your Bad Habits To The Curb

How To Kick Your Bad Habits To The Curb

Author of Manifestation Miracle Do you want to unlock your inner power to manifest the life you’ve been dreaming of? Don’t forget to check out the Manifestation Miracle program… How To Kick Your Bad Habits To The Curb I’ve always found that learning is one of the most amazing journeys in life….