Embrace Uncertainty

Author of Manifestation Miracle

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Emma was doing okay on her corporate job. It was enough to make a day to day living together with her live-in partner Jason. 

Because they were both young, Emma held on to her corporate job. Even if what she loves to do is writing. She has no opportunity to write at all on her job. She can’t do what she loves. 

What she wants to be is a freelance writer. And because Jason is still hunting for a job, she’s trapped within her situation. 

She wanted to try freelance writing on the side while she’s still working on her full-time job. But it’s becoming too tiring for her. She also has to maintain the apartment that they’re living at.  

Thankfully, after 4 months, Jason was accepted on a minimum paying job. 

“It’s something.” Emma thought. It’s not ideal, but at least, they had some funds to live by day by day. 

The thought of quitting her corporate job is becoming more vivid. 

But as it happens to the best of us, uncertainty crept up her mind and stopped her in her tracks. 

But you know, there’s a way to use uncertainty to our advantage. And use it as a strength, not as a weakness. 

Rewire your mind about these 4 things to embrace uncertainty. 

Rewire your mind about risks 

We are afraid of something we don’t know. We are afraid of discomfort. But with discomfort comes growth. 

Take your time and learn how to take calculated risks. And learn to take baby steps towards your learning zone or growth zone. Learn how to venture outside your comfort zone. 

If you take time analyzing the situations, you’ll find that the benefits far outweigh the costs. 

The lessons you can take from each experience is worth the discomfort and fear you faced. 

Affirmations to help you rewire your mind about risks: 

  • I take calculated risks and I enjoy growing. 
  • I grow because I venture outside of my comfort zone. 
  • I grow because I face my fear. 
  • I love going out of my way to actually live life and take risks. 
  • I make it a habit to do something unfamiliar each day. 

Rewire your mind about the idea of imperfection 

We tend to hide behind the idea of perfection. 

But you’ll be able to see that when you reveal yourself behind the curtains of perfection… 

When you reveal yourself as an imperfect human being, you’ll be able to see the beauty within. 

The reality, the realness, the ‘true self’. That’s who you are. And that’s what you should be. Don’t try to be anyone else but yourself. 

Affirmations to help you rewire your mind about the idea of imperfection: 

  • I love myself, and this is who I am, I love me for me. 
  • I love myself and I see myself as beautiful. 
  • I am as real as I can and I am beautiful. 
  • I love myself because I am real and beautiful. 
  • My beauty shines because I am real and unique. 

Rewire your mind about the approval of others 

We all want others’ approval. We want to be loved and accepted. But growth means accepting yourself first. 

To see yourself for what you’re really worth. That’s the secret ingredient of self-growth and self-love. Well, it’s not really a secret but it’s easier said than done. 

To help you with this, you can start a self-love journal. Just jot down everything you love about yourself. Jot down your accomplishments for the day, your past achievements, etc… 

Take note of everything did right. Take note of everything you love about yourself. Take note of what other people love about you.  

What are the compliments you receive most of the time? 

You should be a standalone player. You should be able to take on the world alone. Have that strength. And uncertainty will have nothing against you. 

Affirmations to rewire your mind about the approval of others: 

  • I grow in self-love every day. 
  • I take note of every great thing about myself. 
  • I know what I am capable of. And I am capable of great things. 
  • I grow in self-confidence day by day. 
  • Every day in every way, I’m getting better as a person. 

Rewire your mind about yourself 

Almost the same as the two points above.  

What I simply want to say is that you should know that you are enough as you are.  

You don’t need anything else. You don’t need anyone else. You can do it. You are equipped. 

And once you know that… 

You’ll be on your path to growth. 

You’ll have the courage to pursue what you want to pursue. 

Facing your fear will be easier. 

Discomfort will become the norm. 

And growth will become your game. 

Affirmations to rewire your mind about yourself: 

  • I am enough, I love myself. 
  • I know I am equipped with everything, I can do what I love to do. 
  • I can do everything I put my heart and mind to. 
  • I am growing every day because I love myself. 
  • I embrace uncertainty and discomfort because that’s growth. 

Like Emma, once you’re thinking about taking the leap. Don’t hesitate. Know that you’re always guided by that tingling feeling of ‘I should be doing that, and not this…’ Trust your gut. 

Basically, you can’t expect change to happen if you don’t change anything. 

While it can be scary. It’s growth. And that’s what you want as a person, to grow. 

By the way, if you want to get a head start on the way to your success…

Check this out:

The #1 Secret to Attract Health, Wealth, Amazing Relationships, and Endless Abundance – CLICK HERE:Manifestation Miracle Video