How to De-Clutter Your Life

Author of Manifestation Miracle

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How to De-Clutter Your Life

No matter how hard we try, for some us, keeping our desk spic and span is more difficult than, say, flying a plane.

While it seems easy enough to just throw away the papers, the bent paperclips, and the empty envelopes, what figures as the problem is really to keep things from piling up again after the initial cleanup.

Just like exercise, or getting your groove back at work after a weekend or a vacation, it’s hard to start sorting and cleaning again when you see things stacked like a mountain on your space.

It’s not just your desk that needs cleaning up. It’s only a microcosm of how you operate your life in general.

It’s the habit, the discipline, that you need to develop. You need to install a process that takes care of this problem for you across all boards.

Here are a few tips on how to help you on your way:

Avoid multitasking

Multitasking is not something everyone can do well, or do at all. Even the people who think they’re so good at juggling their tasks and responsibilities aren’t as good as they think they are.

When you multitask, you sometimes sacrifice the quality of your work for the quantity of tasks you can finish. If it’s necessary and cannot be avoided, then by all means, try your best to do them at the same time. But if you can take the time to focus all your energy on each task, you will most likely churn out better results.

Remember, you put your name in everything that you do.

Use digital sparingly

People nowadays depend so much on their gadgets. From writing down a thought, to logging gas mileage, booking a ticket, or even doing grocery.

Yes, it can be more convenient or efficient, but you don’t want to fall apart when your gadget does, do you? Remember that technology isn’t always better than analog. For one, if you fail to backup your files, what would you do if they suddenly get erased or your laptop gets corrupted? It’s not a perfect machine.
For some things, doing them old-school style is still better. Case in point, doing your grocery lists. It’s more convenient to write it down on a piece of paper and bring it out at the supermarket instead of putting it on your phone, only to find out your battery has died. Or putting your date on your calendar, but forgetting to sync it so it doesn’t show.

Take time off

While it may sound chivalrous of you to forfeit your leaves or to work on weekends, in reality, you’re not really doing anyone a favor. You’re only cheating yourself of a rightful break.

If you want to be helpful or useful in the office, you can do that in the right time, which is office hours. If you’re asked to stay overtime or to attend something for the boss, do so. But if you start sacrificing personal time to show people what you’re all about, then it can work against you.

More and more companies are encouraging their employees to have a life outside of work. To engage in extracurriculars that round off a person’s well being. You might think you’re projecting a good image, but it could actually do the opposite.


The world of the internet and social media makes it hard for people to stay out of touch. Most people see this as the thing of the future, to never be disconnected, but does it really enhance your life to do so?

Unplug from all this social media hullaballoo and see how great it feels for your eyes not to be in front of a screen. Or to let your ears rest from listening on your headphones all the time.

You’ll find it easier to appreciate the simple things around you when you put down that mobile and stop taking pictures.

Marvel at awesome sunsets and not feel the need to document it. This helps you enjoy the moments as they come, the way they’re supposed to, fleeting and beautiful.

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Enjoy and have a great day.

Kind regards,
