How to Dial Down the Drama in Your Relationship

Author of Manifestation Miracle

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How to Dial Down the Drama in Your Relationship

All the world is a stage, indeed. And we are all but actors in it.

But what happens when the drama takes over real life? What happens when rehearsals become the main event, and you just can’t seem to ‘cut’ and move on to the next act?

Relationships are complex, no matter how simple you might think or idealize it to be. Not everything is black and white, not everything is clear-cut. Anything that factors in emotions will always fall on the complicated spectrum of things because human emotions are not simple.

Drama is usually a manifestation of anger, jealousy, and insecurity. But there are people who also just crave for the melodramatic. They need a certain level of theatrics in their life in order to feel alive.

If you find yourself in the middle of a drama-riddled relationship and wish to have it under control, here are some tips on how you might be able to do that.

Tip #1: Be open

Sometimes the absence of open communication lines results in pent-up emotions and this leads to bursts of emotions.

When you encourage your partner to tell you about their feelings on a regular basis, you lessen the chances of them hiding anything from you, especially ‘bad’ emotions.

When you ask them about their feelings, make sure that you provide a good environment for them to tell you–for example, you choose a time when it’s just you two in the room, or make sure that your tone is relaxing and not antagonizing, factors like that will also determine the other’s willingness to open up.

Tip #2: Reel isn’t Real

The evolution of TV and its shows is quite alarming on some level. The emergence of ‘reality shows’ that offer a sneak peak into the lives of others and finding entertainment in other people’s miseries also encourage the wrong type of relationships.

As much as you think it’s just for fun, try to avoid watching those kinds of shows, especially if your significant other is impressionable.

When you see other people acting out because of their jealousies and other negative emotions, you tend to think that it’s okay and that it’s tolerable, but there are other ways of dealing with those feelings that don’t include acting out.

The more you see shows like these, the more likely you are to imbibe them in your life, so try to avoid it.

Tip #3: Cool down, not cool off

Sometimes when we’re at the height of our emotions, we tend to say things raw, without any filter and without any brakes. While this could help you be honest, it could also help you be single.

Both of you, even the calmer one, need to device a way to cool down even when one or both of you are in the no-holds-barred segment of your fight.

Yes there are times when solitude seems to be the answer, but you also need to learn how to operate as a team when it’s so tempting to handle it by yourself.

This promotes a feeling of solidarity and it will strengthen your relationship because no matter how mad each is, it reinforces the feeling of love even at a time when you don’t like each other very much.

Love is the decision to stay even though your momentary feeling is something else.

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Enjoy and have a great day.

Kind regards,
