Making a Difference Makes a Difference

Author of Manifestation Miracle

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Making a Difference Makes a Difference

There’s always something to change, something to improve on, someone to help. The world never runs out of souls that need a gentle touch.

Every single one of us is capable of changing the world. While it may take some time before our actions affect the world per se, it only takes small gestures to make a difference in other people’s lives.

There are a lot of ways you can make the world a better place. Being a good person is one way. Don’t underestimate what one good person can offer.

Here are some reminders of every day things that people do for one another that count.

Standing up to bullies

There’s a lot of discrimination out there ranging from sex, race, color, and whatnot. People have different beliefs and ideologies, and that’s fine, it’s normal. But when they start to espouse their beliefs onto someone else forcibly and think of others as inferior, that’s when things turn ugly.

Part of the minority or not, you have a moral obligation to know where the lines are drawn. Stand up for those who cannot fight themselves. Be kind to those different from you. Educate yourself about things you don’t understand. Those are the weapons that you can arm yourself with.

Being a friend

In this Facebook world we live in, it’s so easy to throw words like “we’re friends” around. But fewer people know how to really be a friend to someone.

Sometimes people add you up on social media, follow you, tweet you, but that does not necessarily make a friendship.

You need to invest yourself, to invest your time and effort into knowing them and being there for them both in good times and in bad. Friendships can be forged overnight, but you have to work hard to maintain it.

Spending time with your loved ones

Some may think this is an ordinary task, but not everybody gets to do it. Kids nowadays need guidance more than ever.

The internet is everywhere. It holds endless information about the world, both good and bad, real and fake, etc etc. And some kids feel entitled to that knowledge and they want the freedom to explore, the privilege of being in the know, but not everyone has the ability to discern and to handle what’s out there.

If it falls on the wrong hands, it could be dangerous.

Adults need to guide the younger ones, to help them mold their beliefs and correct them when they go astray. If you can do this for even just your own kids, you are a hero.

Simply being there sometimes is more than enough to be a hero to them.

And it’s not just kids who need you. Being a good partner to your spouse or significant other is also something admirable. It’s so easy to take your partner for granted, and those who still work at not doing that are noble.

Remember, in your pursuit to change the world, start with your immediate surroundings. Begin by knowing that’s going on in your own family, your neighborhood, community.

It doesn’t always take the smartest or richest people to make a difference. You only need good people who want to make the world better. As long as we have those around, there’s hope yet.

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Enjoy and have a great day.

Kind regards,
