Why Honesty is the Best Policy

Why Honesty is the Best Policy

Author of Manifestation Miracle

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Why Honesty is the Best Policy

We often hear people telling us that they want a partner, an employee, a son/daughter, who is honest and truthful.

People get hurt when they are lied to or when they are cheated by dishonesty. It makes them feel unworthy of the truth.

But sometimes, admittedly, it’s easier telling a lie, though it doesn’t have to be.

Telling the truth is something you need to condition yourself to do, much like exercise.

Learning to be honest to people around you is something that will help you lead a better life, not only because your conscience will be clear, but your relationships will become stronger than ever.

You just need to wrap your head around the concept that honesty is worth the difficulty.

Here are some of the effects of practicing honesty in your life:


When you learn to be completely honest with yourself, you discover parts about yourself that have been omitted in the past.

Either you were ashamed about them or you didn’t want to admit that they are part of you.

But when you are honest with yourself, you begin to embrace the parts of you that make you whole.

When you deny certain truths from surfacing, you’re living in the shadows because they leave a hollow space between the things about you that you do like.

You keep on trying to please other people even if that’s not really who you are. You keep projecting a self that’s incomplete and not entirely truthful.

When you start knowing and accepting who you truly are, pleasing yourself becomes first priority, and rightfully so.

Those who really want to be part of your life and really love you will adjust to you and accept whoever it is that you become.

Honesty will set you free—free to be yourself and free to love yourself in all your unabashed glory.

Fewer friends

Yes, this sounds bad, but really it’s good. We’re all guilty of keeping people around because we are just too scared or too lazy to trim the fat around our circle of friends.

The truth is, a lot of them are weighing you down.

You have emotional vampires who hang around you with their negative energies; you have the freeloaders, the fair-weather friends, the high maintenance, and the list goes on.

Developing a high level of honesty brings out courage to snip these kinds of people from your life.

You’ll discover your threshold for feigning friendship and once you’ve established that, a lot of the fake friendships you keep will wither away.

People will trust you

When you start speaking the truth, people will start responding to you differently.

At first, they will probably be thrown off, especially if you start with harsh truths and being brutally honest about your opinions.

But when they start realizing that you’re not someone to mess around with and that you’re being a genuine person through and through, you’ll create a strong, trustworthy persona who people gravitate towards.

People are drawn to powerful personas. They will listen to you when you speak, and really take your opinion to heart when you give them advice.

You’ll have the power to change lives with your word, which is why it’s important that you speak only the truth.

When you get to that point in your life where phoniness becomes too much of a burden to keep, you’ll find that life is easier, more pleasant, and lighter.

Trimming the excess baggage that living a dishonest life brings will make you feel so much better about yourself and the world around you.

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