3 Important Questions in Life

Author of Manifestation Miracle

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3 Important Questions in Life

Everybody wants answers.

Everybody wants to know things, they want to be certain about decisions, they want to know what is right, they want to know what is good.

But sometimes what people don’t realize is that in order to get the answers, the right answers, you need to ask the right questions.

Life is a series of answers. Some are to questions we didn’t ask, some are to the ones we do, and some are to ones we didn’t know to ask yet.

So what are the questions we should be concerning ourselves with?

Who am I?

Your identity, your sense of self, is important to figure out because it will be your moral compass against everything in your life.

You need to invest in you because that’s the most valuable investment you can make.

It’s not what other people will invest.

Others can contribute to your image, your associations, connections, their image of you, but ultimately, it’s the image that you build yourself that will be the foundation.

It is what will shine through and stand the test of criticism and be the measure with which reputation will stand against.

You don’t have to have yourself all figured out, after all, you are constantly changing (ideally). But even though that’s the case, you have a core self, and that’s what never changes.

What do I want in my life?

When you have a good idea of who you are, you would know what things you want in your life.

Again, it’s not to say that you need a plan for every step of the way. You just need an idea of what you want.

Others might say you need a concrete idea of what you want in order to determine your track. While that might work too, it’s not bad to have a general viewpoint and trim it down as you go along.

Since you’re still discovering parts of yourself along the way, it’s understood that your desires are changing.

You develop new interests, you hone your skills and talents, meet different people who open you up to other things.

But you should always have goals, something to strive for, to chase after.

What do I want my life to mean?

Life is not just about making a living, about acquiring things, moving upwards in whatever ladder.

We all know that it’s about the relationships you form, the people you help, the difference you make.

You need to feel like your hard work, your accomplishments, are not just ends in themselves but a means for satisfaction, for purpose.

To succeed in life is to feel fulfilled.

Your life has to mean something, to yourself and to people around you.

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Enjoy and have a great day!

Kind regards,
