3 Things Sadness Teaches You

Author of Manifestation Miracle

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3 Things Sadness Teaches You

Everybody experiences bouts of sadness. Sometimes it has to do with family, other times friends, mostly it involves relationships.

There are times when circumstances makes us feel unhappy, like an unfulfilling job, amounting debts, and what-have-yous.

But the fact remains the same, sadness affects all of us.

Whether or not we make it a permanent fixture in our lives is a matter of choice, but whether or not it comes around is not.

Not all of us are able to handle this emotion well. Some resort to drinking, partying, hanging out with friends, while some prefer to keep to themselves and experience it all by themselves.

In any case, there’s always a lesson to be learned.

Here are some of the brutal lessons that show themselves amidst our struggle:

The world doesn’t stop, it doesn’t change

Just because it kicked you, maybe even repeatedly, and you’re at your lowest, doesn’t mean that it will stop.

Think of the world as a big conveyor belt that brings you what it’s supposed to, nonstop, regardless of how you’re getting the items off on your end.

Even if you find yourself stuck handling the last baggage, there’s always another one coming. You don’t know what’s in it, but it’s coming.

The world doesn’t owe you kindness just because it has shown you the opposite.

It doesn’t take turns the way you think it should. It could be a series of letdowns before it lets up and shows you the light.

Though the world doesn’t change, make sure that you do.

Arm yourself with the courage to change the way you see things. Be brave enough to toughen your skin, but not your heart.

You are only as strong as you think

If you think you’re weak, that you’re stuck with no options, that you can’t possibly continue on, then you’re probably right.

Now what?

You’re not made weak by feeling the emotion, you’re made weak by letting it consume you.

The thing with sadness is that it drains you of hope, little by little or all at once. It doesn’t matter.

At some point, you need to plug that drain and start filling your tank again with the stuff you need to get back up.

If you condition yourself to think that there’s no way it’s going to be fixed, then your thoughts will conform to that idea.

But if you think you’re made of stronger stuff, which you are, then your brain will start working double time to make you feel that strength.

You always have a choice

In every situation, you have a choice.

Sadness backs you into a corner and turns the light off. For a while, it will make you feel immobile, paralyzed.

But you have the power to choose until when it will affect you, you have the power to stand up, to turn the light back on, and to take a step.

You have a choice to give up or to keep fighting. Sometimes you might not like the options, but you’re still given choices.

You just need to choose a plan. Choose a plan that works for YOU. Not for anybody else.

Remember that the choices you make will affect your life primarily. So you need to be happy or at least determined in your choice.

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Enjoy and have a great day.

Kind regards,
