3 Things You Need to Ditch in Your Life Right Now

Author of Manifestation Miracle

The secret to the “good life” is a bit like Bigfoot. People talk about it, but it no one seems to know how OR where to find it.

If someone out there DOES know the secret, they’re not telling you.

When you see someone else getting ahead in life, you might be thinking, “What does this guy know that I don’t?”

In your frustration you tell yourself, “I’m just as talented and capable at them…why can’t I get MY piece of the pie?”

Sad to say, but some people just want that coveted pie for themselves.

But what if you DON’T HAVE to know what they know? Maybe you just need to change a few things in your life.

Chances are you’re the one creating those barriers that are keeping you from that oh-so-delicious pie of success. I’m not blaming you, though.

Habits have a nasty way of hiding themselves right under your nose. That’s human nature.

So here are a few things that you can change starting today. Once you’ve gotten these roadblocks out of the way, you can move towards your goals faster.

#1: Social Media Use

There’s no habit quite as toxic as getting on one of those time-draining apps and wasting the day away. You think you’re just catching up on what your friends are up to, but things can quickly get out of hand without knowing it.

Soon enough, you’re going through your newsfeed non-stop like a lab rat pushing the food lever to get a tasty treat. That instant gratification you’re indulging in will only wreak havoc on your ability to get things done.

Some people don’t have this problem, but there’s a good chance these social apps and sites are robbing a considerable part of your day.

Be honest with yourself. If this habit is affecting your work or life in general, it’s time for an intervention.

Set a time limit on yourself every day. Or if it’s really bad, install one of those browser extensions or apps to block your social media use at certain hours.

You’ll be amazed at how much MORE you can get done when you start doing this.

People don’t realize how much static noise is buzzing in their heads. And it’s not just coming from social media.

The stuff you see on TV has a way of making you feel horrible about yourself. It’s that feeling that you’re lacking something in your life, such as:

– A set of shredded abs that look like they were Photoshopped on your stomach
– That sweet new gadget everyone has…except you, of course
– An awesome life where everything seems to just work out for someone else

So when these mental traps come around the corner, just go the other way. Don’t let it pull you in its mind-numbing trance.

You have better things to do than feel like crap.

#2: Bad Financial Habits

It’s not just social media and TV you need to look out for. Temptation comes in all forms, such as that damned piece of plastic you carry in your wallet.

Like social apps, swiping your credit card offers a little dose of gratification. And you know they make it way too EASY for you to hit that buy button with those irresistible discounts.

Shopaholics know this vicious cycle all too well. And those little “one-time” offers pile up faster than you can keep track of.

Pretty soon, the only thing on your mind is all that money you owe the bank. And that’s MORE precious headspace wasted.

Get a pair of scissors and cut those cards out of your life. Think about it this way – don’t spend invisible money you haven’t earned yet.

Don’t be that person showing off their “bling” while worrying about how they’re going pay it off.

Here’s a better alternative: focus on saving up as much as you can instead.

I’m not just talking about having enough for next week or next month. Why not go crazy and build a financial safety net worth HALF a year?

You’ve heard of those fat cat CEOs and their ‘Golden Parachutes’. Just because you’re not a one-percenter doesn’t mean you can’t set up a nice buffer when things get rough.

While credit card debt destroys your peace of mind, saving up does the exact OPPOSITE.

When you have options, you won’t feel so tied to your day job. In fact, having that freedom makes you more VALUABLE at work.

If your boss knows you have other options, he won’t be so quick to take you for granted.

To build that nest egg, you need to cut down those unnecessary costs for now. You know what those are.

Do you really need to make that Starbucks run every single day? Or can you just brew a decent batch at home and take a tumbler to work?

Do you really need those pair of jeans with the fancy label in your life? Or can you settle for a less-known brand that fits just as well?

When faced with a purchase, asking those questions will help you save up faster than you think.

On another note, what side gig can you do in your spare time?

Do a little Google-fu and figure out what resources or talents you have right now (or can develop quickly) that you can turn into a profitable little venture.

You’ll be surprised how many people online are offering their services and selling their stuff (or earning a commission as a middleman).

Somewhere, somehow, someone managed to spend a few hours over the weekend and got their side project off the ground. They’ve figured it out; all you need to do is ask them.

Your family, friends, co-workers or even an online forum can point you in the right direction and get started. Who knows, you can turn that side gig into a full-time one once you’ve gained enough traction.

#3: A Lack of Gratitude

Ever been held up at the ATM line because some doofus can’t seem to figure out how to use their card?

Yeah, we’ve all been there and it usually happens when we’re in a rush to be somewhere else.

But take a step back from that typical eye-rolling moment and try to reframe it. Instead of dwelling on the situation, can you focus on the positive part of it?

Think for a second that once upon a time, people actually had to go to the bank to get money from their account. Outside of their regular hours, there wasn’t a convenient 24-hour terminal you could just drive up to.

You can apply this kind of thankful thinking to pretty much any scenario where those little comforts we enjoy are delayed…

…but aren’t necessarily life-threatening.

Yes, in some cases it’s perfectly reasonable to get frustrated – or angry even – when something doesn’t go your way. But I’m guessing that’s NOT 100% of the time.

Injecting yourself with a little dose of gratitude whenever possible goes a long way – even if you don’t notice it at first.

At some baseline level, you’re better off than most of the people on this planet who don’t even have the resources or means to read this article right now.

Try to remember that being above ground, having a place to sleep and getting a decent meal are immense gifts in themselves.

The world around you and the advancements we’ve made as a species is nothing short of AMAZING. Seriously.

Going back to what I said earlier, a lot of things that occupy our heads aren’t important. It’s just NOISE.

And it’s keeping you from being more successful in life.

Everyone deserves to have success – along with the bells and whistles that come with it.

Especially you.

But remember that you need to put ENERGY and VALUE in the world first. That’s what entitles you to all the cool stuff you want.

Otherwise, you’re going to pay for it in ways you won’t like (and I’m not talking about money).

Tim Urban, a prominent blogger, did a TED talk on the habit of procrastination. He pointed out that giving in to the urge for instant gratification will lead you to a place he calls “The Dark Playground”.

This is where you’re plagued with self-loathing from ‘enjoying’ the guilty pleasures of unearned leisure time. More importantly, Tim concluded that this ‘I want it now’ mindset is going to catch up to you.

There’s nothing free in this world, and you might just have to sacrifice your hopes and dreams in the process. That’s a pretty steep price if you ask me.

So don’t be afraid to detach your mind from all that junk weighing you down. When you let go, you’ll look for it from time to time out of habit.

But you’ll soon learn to re-wire your desires and direct toward something productive instead.

Like working on your plans and realizing your dreams, for starters.

Ultimately, there’s nothing complicated about making these simple changes in your life. The only hard part is actually cutting the umbilical, so to speak.

But once you’ve crossed that line, there’s no turning back. And you’ll be all the better for it.

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Kind regards,
