A Powerful Way to Practice Everyday Leadership

Author of Manifestation Miracle

“Are you completely comfortable calling yourself a leader?”

This was the first question Drew Dudley asked the audience when he began his TED talk on what he calls Everyday Leadership.

According to him, people make leadership as something bigger than them, and something beyond their reach.

People put the idea of leadership on a pedestal as if it always means singlehandedly changing the world.

And this kind of thinking makes it next to impossible for someone to take on the terrifying role of leadership.

Drew says, “We take the title as leader and we take it as something that ‘one day’ we’re going to deserve.”

But according to him, owning that title right NOW requires you to shed that self-consciousness and doubt.

You need to believe in yourself – even if it means being a little cocky or arrogant.

Think about it for a minute. When was the last time you wanted to step up and take the lead?

You felt that urge because you knew deep down you could do it. You had it in you to take the wheel and call the shots…but then you choked at the last moment and shied away.

Don’t feel bad about it. Humans are wired to fear the unknown.

Fear keeps us from harm and immediate threats. It’s an instinct that has it benefits – but only to a certain point.

And taking on that title means taking action IN SPITE of that fear.

Really, what have you got to lose by taking a calculated risk? Maybe it’s just the fear talking, but you don’t always have to listen to it.

If you do, you’ll spend too much time giving other people credit for their great feats of leadership…

…and stay petrified by the possibility that you could do something just as AMAZING.

During his talk, Drew shared a story about how he made a profound impact on someone else’s life – a “Lollipop Moment” as he calls it.

Back in college, Drew accidentally introduced a girl to her future husband while he was handing out lollipops for a charitable cause.

As a joke, he handed the lucky guy a lollipop (who was right next to the girl) and encouraged him to give it to her.

Sheepishly, Drew’s ‘victim’ passed it on to his future wife. After that, Drew dropped a punchline about taking candy from strangers and left the crowd roaring with laughter.

The funny thing is that Drew didn’t even remember that moment. She had to remind him of his incredible act just as he was leaving on his last day of college.

You see, we have all changed someone’s life in one way or another. Most of the time, we do it without even realizing it.

Drew calls each one of us to look into those moments and celebrate them.

Everyday Leadership is an important act that we are all capable of doing.

As human beings, we have the capacity to improve each other’s lives. In our own little way, we can influence another person to be their best self.

You see, a great leader isn’t necessarily someone who does things on a grand scale.

Rather, anyone who inspires others and gets them to do great things can also be considered a leader.

Drew added that leadership is not about titles and positions. It’s about one life influencing another.

Reflect on your own lollipop moments when someone did something that changed your life for the better. Cherish that moment and don’t forget to show gratitude to the person who inspired you.

Better yet, pay it forward by creating those same moments in other people’s lives. In that way, you’ve already stepped up and become a leader in your own special way.

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Enjoy and have a great day.

Kind regards,
