Author of Manifestation Miracle
What does it mean to ‘love yourself’? Why is it important?
Loving yourself means doing things that are good for you (sometimes even when you don’t really want to), caring for yourself, making yourself happy, arguing with yourself over trivial things, etc.
Basically all the things you do for and with your significant other when you’re in a relationship, except you do it all for yourself.
While this might sound like a selfish concept, it’s absolutely necessary in order for you to be able to really open yourself up to others.
Loving yourself involves getting to know who you are in the deepest level. If you don’t know yourself intimately, how do you expect other people will too?
Here are some ways you can start showing yourself the love:
Ask yourself out
Just as you go on dates with other people, you should also take the time to go out on your own.
You can plan a whole day’s itinerary or just play it by ear, whatever appeals to you best.
This way, you get to draw the boundaries of your comfort zone, what can you do alone–can you eat alone? Can you go to the salon alone? Can you watch a movie by yourself?
And when you’ve drawn those boundaries, go beyond them as well.
You’ll realize all sorts of things about yourself that you otherwise wouldn’t because you’re always surrounded by people who also affect your tastes and preferences.
By allowing to reconnect with yourself, you remind yourself about the things you like, dislike, are comfortable with, etc.
This will also help you when you’re thinking of being in a relationship because you’re going to have to share these with your partner and assess how you two fit together.
Check yourself out
Are you happy with what you see in the mirror? Do you feel good about yourself?
It’s important that you have a healthy body image. You need to be confident about yourself because how will you do anything without confidence?
You need it to do your job well, you need it to find a suitable partner, you need it to drive your car, cook your food, walk down the street, and almost everything that you do on a daily basis.
Without loving what and who you see in the mirror, you won’t be able to truly put yourself out there and enjoy life. Your insecurities will get in the way.
So if there are things that you’re unhappy about with yourself, physically or otherwise, you have the power to change it.
If you think you’ll look better thinner and more confident about yourself, then invest in exercise and diet. If you think you’ll be better off without glasses, try alternatives like contacts or laser surgery.
The point is, you need to like who’s staring back at you.
Put yourself out there
In line with feeling confident about yourself, part of showing that love is to connect with people.
You are a social being, even if you’re an introvert, or you like keeping to yourself, being by yourself, etc. You need to indulge that social side of you, even if it’s difficult for you to do so.
Why? Because it’s unhealthy to put yourself in a bubble and just watch life pass you by.
Remember to regularly see your friends, catch up with them, bond with them. Same goes for your family. Take time to reach out to them and spend as much time with them as possible.
Reinforcing your social relationships will help you feel more alive.
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