4 Habits to Rid Yourself of Stress at Work

Author of Manifestation Miracle

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4 Habits to Rid Yourself of Stress at Work

We all know how it sounds like when we hear our boss call out our names.

Even just a simple text commands fear in our hearts and makes it thump like crazy.

Our palms get sweaty, and we seem to forget momentarily how speech works.

Nobody gets used to that.

Thinking about our responsibilities, our deadlines, how we can’t afford to lose our jobs, those are all thoughts that can add on the weight of our shoulders.

Couple that with the inability to cope well under pressure, the challenge of multitasking, you’re really bound to give out.

There are many things that are actually out of our control, but we still keep worrying about them.

It’s in our nature to fret when we feel we’re not performing as well as people expect us to, or even as we expect of ourselves.

But there are ways that you can condition yourself to feel more relaxed at work and less strung out.

Process before progress

Because it’s a high-pressure environment, people are prone to be at each other’s throats. The competitive atmosphere is palpable and everyone’s just waiting for somebody to make a mistake.

This often results in heads being chewn off and a lot of heated arguments. It’s hard not to succumb to the urge to participate. But ask yourself, “what will this do for me?”

The answer is nothing.

It will do nothing for you, but it will do something to you.

It will raise your stress levels up and make your office relations suffer. You risk isolating yourself if you give in to your anger.

Instead, try to hear yourself speak your thoughts to yourself. Write it down if you have to, or imagine the scene in your head.

See where that takes you.

Once you’ve found that bursting out won’t get you anywhere, that’s when you’ll be able to calmly assess what it is you really want to say and how to say it most effectively.

Feeling gulity after you’ve blown things out of proportion will also take its toll on you.

Assess your coping mechanism

You need to assess how you cope with your feelings. One factor why you’re probably feeling even more agitated is because you’re not able to release your emotions well.

You need to find a constructive way to deal with them and not a destructive one.

List down the things that stresses you out or causes you uncomfortable or negative feelings. Maybe your bosses, your peers, your security guard, maybe it’s deadlines, multitasking, etc.

Then list down how you deal with each one.

It’s important for you to see what you do with your emotions so that you can assess if it’s really working for you or working against you.

Look out for patterns and actions that don’t help. From there, you can decide your next plan of action.

Be compassionate

Everyone has a reason for their actions. Before you do something that you might regret because someone failed you, consider the reason why they failed.

Observe them and see if there’s a reason to cut them some slack.

Good communication between peers is essential to get work done. Not only that, but it’s also essential to get some peace of mind.

If mistakes made are reversible, then by all means, reverse them.

Instill lessons later on. And let them see the maturity and kindness in your actions.

That might be a more powerful way of getting through to them.

Save your energy, save your sanity!

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Enjoy and have a great day.

Kind regards,
