4 Reasons Why You Need to Calm Yourself Down

Author of Manifestation Miracle

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4 Reasons Why You Need to Calm Yourself Down

When was the last time your temper solved anything?

How about anxiety?

I thought so.

It’s true that we can’t always control ourselves, at least initially, because we’re overwhelmed by our feelings and some of the most powerful feelings are anger, anxiety, and fear.

For people who have a temper or those who always have those nagging feelings at the back of their heads, control can be a tall order. But it’s not impossible.

Control is achievable if you strive for it. We weren’t built to just act on animal impulses. We have the capacity to use our rational minds to control us in situations like these.

Here are a few more reasons why it’s imperative that we learn to calm ourselves:

#1. Health

As humans, we react emotionally to stressful situations, and sometimes it manifests physically in the form of sickness or pains.

Certain health issues have been linked to stress namely depression, heart problems, and obesity.

When you’re unable to control your emotions, they will not only affect what you feel but they will also show in how you eat, how you move, because you would lose your interest in keeping yourself healthy.

#2. Focus

When you let stress get to you, you lose direction or purpose. Even a temporary derailment could have bigger repercussions.

Losing focus could get you in trouble and not just at work with deadlines and presentations, but also in practical applications like when you’re driving, walking on sidewalks, or basically doing anything that requires attention.

It would be unwise to put yourself in potentially harmful situations just because you’re feeling rattled.

You need to be able to think long term even under pressure or under extreme emotions.

#3. Damage relationships

When your partner does something to hurt you or anger you, your first reaction is usually to shout, to hurt them back, or to distance yourself from them.

When you’re angry, you tend to say a lot of things, a lot of hurtful things, to the person who hurt you, and while you may mean them at the time, when you have cooled down, you’ll feel regret starting to sink in for the words that escaped from your mouth.

And you really can’t take these words back anymore, nor the pain that they have caused the other.

Even apologies will only do so much. The best remedy really is to learn how to control what you say in times of overwhelming emotions.

#4. Make life enjoyable

The calmer you are at handling yourself in bad situations, the more inclined you’ll be at seeing the positive side of things.

Life is filled with all sorts of surprises. Sometimes they are most unkind and the timing is the worst. But you need to learn how to take everything in stride because as serious as life can get, it’s also fun.

Of course you’re allowed to have your feelings and to experience them, to give in to them once in a while. But to be enslaved by your impulse to stress about them is not the best thing for you.

Training yourself to take a calmer approach to dealing with things will not only serve others, but ultimately it will help you.

It will help you be more controlled, be focused, happy, and to live life with courage and confidence.

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Enjoy and have a great day!

Kind regards,
