4 Reminders that You’re Awesome!

Author of Manifestation Miracle

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4 Reminders that You’re Awesome!

When the world doesn’t seem that friendly or forgiving, and the weight of everything is on your shoulders, it can be difficult to see the good in it.

When you wake up and see yourself in the mirror as ugly and filled with nothing but flaws, it’s hard to stay positive and feel excited about the day.

Sometimes we forget what it is that makes life truly great and what makes us awesome. There’s so much about ourselves that’s worth bragging about, that’s worth being proud of. We just need to be reminded of them.

So here are some of the things that slip our mind from time to time:

Your capacity to learn

The human brain is absolutely amazing. It holds memories, emotions, and knowledge. We have the ability to absorb so many things–in school, in the office, watching movies, conversations with people, the list is endless.

We don’t even use that much percentage of our brains, and yet we function so well on a daily basis. Think about the potential you have! How much more you can learn, how much more you can do and all that.

You need to remember that you need to feed your curiosity and to encourage yourself to learn more every day.

Your freedom to dream

Hand in hand with your capacity to learn is your freedom to dream. The things that are taught to you are only guidelines, but you also have the ability to think on your own. To imagine the things that can still be done.

To dream of goals, to dream of things you want to do gives you the energy and the motivation to work hard to achieve them. When you imagine yourself vacationing in Bora Bora, it gives you that push you need to work even harder so your imagination turns into a memory of that experience.

Dreams aren’t as useless as you or other people might lead you to believe. They are necessary to give you hope and to motivate you.

Your ability to create

No matter what your job is or what your talent may be, you have the power to add to the ideas that are already out there. You have the power to create something new or make a version of something that already exists.

These creations have the power to change things and people. It is from ideas that evolution is born.

A song, a painting, a speech–those can all be weapons to change the world. Don’t underestimate this ability.

Power to change

You might think that how can little ol’ you change the government, or your company’s policies, or even just your partner’s mind, but it can be done.

It just takes one person or incident to be the turning point of a revolution. It can take just one phone call to change a person’s life for good. One act of bravery could inspire a multitude of acts. ONE.

You are one.

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Enjoy and have a great day!

Kind regards,
