How to Influence Effectively

Author of Manifestation Miracle

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How to Influence Effectively

Most people want to change the world. They see what’s wrong and want to change it for the better. The problem is that a lot of those people don’t feel like they have the power to really do so. That they aren’t influential enough to make a dent.

We wait for the billionaires, the celebrity philanthropists to take steps because they have the money, the fame, the right exposure, etc. But those aren’t the only things you need to make a difference.

Making a difference can sometimes cost nothing at all.

Who you are and what you have to offer doesn’t depend on the figures in your bank account. Your worth as a human being is your currency for value. Money is only your net worth.

If you want to change things, here are some tips on how to do it effectively.

Be an example

We always hear things like “be the person you want to meet”, “be the change you wish to see in the world”, because the fact of the matter is that change begins in you.

When you believe in something, you begin to graft it onto yourself until such time as you are one with this belief and you live and breathe it naturally.

When people see that you’re living out your beliefs, it makes you genuine.

Consistency is something that’s rare because so many things influence you on a daily basis and holding on to your beliefs can be a real challenge day in and day out.

You are your best marketing tool.

Find a cause

It’s good to be aware and to sympathize with different issues or causes, but there should be at least one that you’re really passionate about.

For example, when you say you’re against discrimination, it covers racism, sexism, and a host of other types of discrimination in the world.

Although you feel for what all those factions are fighting for, there should be one that you’re personally passionate about, especially if you have a personal connection with it.

Once you find what that is, it will be easier for you to focus your energy on helping.

You’ll educate yourself about its origin, about the problems, the possible solutions, what you can do in your own way to push your agenda, things like that. It helps to be specific because then you’d have direction for your efforts.

Use your resources

Like I said earlier, you don’t have to be rich to make a difference. You can make a real difference just where you are, with what you have.

Educate people from where you’re standing. If you’re in publishing, either as a writer, and assistant or what, have your paper or magazine feature articles on your cause.

If you’re in public relations, have a celebrity speak for your organization.

No matter what your line of work is, there’s always a way to make your message known and to propagate knowledge. And even if you find that it’s not possible to connect it with your career or to use your job to do it, then in your personal time, volunteer, blog, or connect with organizations that can.

There are endless ways to help and to instigate change. It has to start somewhere no matter how small.

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Enjoy and have a great day.

Kind regards,
