4 Things You Should Stop Worrying About

4 Things You Should Stop Worrying About

Author of Manifestation Miracle

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4 Things You Should Stop Worrying About

Life will always hand you the proverbial lemons. Sometimes simultaneously, it’ll hand you oranges, apples, broccoli, and carrots to boot too.

You’ll feel like a contestant on one of those high-pressure cooking shows that judge you in your ability to chop, fillet, cook, and display while flinging little challenges at you.

Well, you’re not just being judged by your cooking skills, they look at other things too like your disposition when you cook, your ability to multitask, to take criticism, etc.

So does life.

That’s why you should develop a certain laissez-faire attitude when it comes to the little things. Here are some examples of which ones you can cross off your worry list.

#1. Work

Yes, work is important and your professional skills are an asset to your company, that’s why they hired you. You’re probably very good at what you do and a lot of people count on you to deliver.

Those are all good things.

But you need to remind yourself, and sometimes your work colleagues too, that work has its boundaries in your life.

Weigh out what’s actually urgent versus what only seems urgent.

Officemates usually have a bad habit of sniffing out when you’re about to leave the office and dump so many things on your lap just right before you punch out.

When this happens, you need to be able to firmly plant your foot down and tell them whatever doesn’t make your cut off is set for tomorrow. This way, they also learn to respect your time.

Remember, what you need to do for work will always be there. It’s designed to keep coming. It actually never finishes, even at the end of your day. But you need to learn to close shop.

#2. What to wear

It’s not just girls who fumble with what they wear. Even today’s males are encountering this problem on a daily basis.

Highly successful people like Steve Jobs and Mark Zuckerberg encourage a no-frills attitude when it comes to dressing up.

They do uniform dressing. A lot of studies have shown that this actually works because you stop spending your time mixing and matching clothes, spending your creative brain cells in matters that shouldn’t actually require so much.

If you eliminate the variable that makes it more time consuming, you save yourself a lot of time and anxiety along the way.

Find something that always looks good on you and more or less doesn’t require so much alteration from weather to weather.

Stick to the neutrals and the plain so it matches each other harmoniously in case you decide to mix and match on certain days.

#3. Your partner

You need to be able to trust that your partner is not doing anything you wouldn’t like, or if they are on some level, that it’s for a greater good and they will tell you about it.

You are a team. A real partnership thrives on transparency and full disclosure. Communication with each other is something that you can’t take for granted.

If you have a concern, let them know. They will surely take care of it by doing something that would make you feel more comfortable.

There’s no use worrying about something that can be averted.

Trust that they will do everything in their power to make you feel secure about them and your relationship. All you have to do is tell them.

#4. Traffic

Traffic isn’t always bad, but given the addition in population these days for some countries, it’s an everyday reality people have to deal with.

If you’re one of the unlucky ones who have to go through traffic jams on a regular basis, you have to accept it as part of your reality.

Yes, it can be pretty annoying and time-consuming, but what can you do?

Well, you can just make the best of it is what. How? You can think of productive things that you can do in the car or the commute while you’re stuck. Just make sure that if you’re driving, it’s not something that can split your focus from the road.

If you already know that it’s going to be the same thing every morning, then you should already be prepared to endure it.

The more you worry about being late, being tired, or whatever-else you worry about in traffic, the more it will affect your day.

Accept that it’s part of the hustle and bustle, and find your own way around it.

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Kind regards,
