5 Reasons to Celebrate Being Single on Valentine’s Day

Author of Manifestation Miracle

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5 Reasons to Celebrate Being Single on Valentine’s Day

Yes, it’s nearly that time of the year again. The day most singles fear and loathe.

Why must we go through this kind of pain and embarrassment?

Every (single) year, it’s the same woes.

This Hallmark holiday always manages to make the unattached feel like freaks, and the couples feel like gods and goddesses.

If you think about it, there’s really nothing wrong with singling it out, either by choice or by chance. Not everyone is afforded the bliss of finding your other half when you want it.

Companionship is something that shouldn’t be forced upon individuals for any reason, especially for just one occasion.

So for those who find themselves on a solo flight this coming Valentine’s, here are some things you can look forward to:

No date debate

You are under no obligation to participate in the expensive holiday that is Vday.

You can order for one (or for two, if you’re hungry), be in your most comfy PJs and spend your night with no pretensions whatsoever.

You won’t find yourself looking for a place that’s not filled or doesn’t accept walk-ins, or caught clueless planning a mandatory romantic bubble for your significant other.

You have the freedom to do as you please without consulting anybody. No date, no debate!


Instead of staring at couples staring at each other, you should stare within you and find all the things you’re looking for. Okay, maybe not all, but you get the picture.

There’s a certain level of self-awareness that you need in order to be ready for that time when you will have a partner.

Get to know yourself, reach deep down and ask yourself the important questions about life, about having a partner, etc. This is a good time because you have all these emotions stirring inside you because of the holiday.

Put it to good use and get to know yourself a little more.

Fun with friends

You’re probably not the only one who’s single in all your groups of friends. Now is a good time to round up the single folks and paint the town whatever color you’d like!

It’s a good time to find a more common ground between you guys. After all, you’re all in the same boat.

Go out and have all the fun that you can.

Make new friends out there too!

There are no curfews, no partners staying up to interrogate you on your night out, there’s no one who’s going to get mad because you didn’t make plans with them, etc. Enjoy every moment of it.

Work it!

This can mean to flirt with whoever you want (as long as they’re single themselves), or it could mean bury yourself in actual work. Either way sounds like a good idea.

If you opt to paint the town red with your best single pals and flirt until the break of dawn, then by all means, go for it. You’re not attached and looking for some fun!

If by work it, you want to stay up late, working on all your deadlines or doing some advanced stuff, then good for you too!

Career is something solid that you should build anyway, whether you’re single or coupled up in the future. So might as well put in the time now when you have it all to yourself.

The road less traveled

A little solo flight to somewhere new will be good for you!

Now is the best time to travel on your own because you only have one voice to consider–yours.

Pick a country or a city and buy your ticket for one immediately. No pre-planning needed, no schedule coordinating, etc.

You are the pilot of your life with no one else to consider. Take advantage of that.

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Enjoy and have a great day!

Kind regards,
