5 Things You Can Do Without

Author of Manifestation Miracle

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5 Things You Can Do Without

Sometimes in life, we think we need so many things to make life enjoyable and even worthwhile. The truth is, life is simple. You need not complicate it with all sorts of gray areas.

Most often than not, it is us who entangle ourselves in things that aren’t really important or we make things more complicated than they have to.

The simple solutions seem too easy and therefore we doubt that those are the real solutions.

1. Duplicate gadgets

If your phone can get you in touch with people, plus it can check email, go online, let you listen to music, watch movies, then you’re all good. If there’s no real need to buy a tablet, or a computer or what, then don’t buy one and subject yourself to a payment you could have saved for something else.

We’re bombarded with all sorts of commercials, designed to make us feel wanting, that what we have isn’t enough and that there’s something out there that can solve a “need”.

2. Fake friends

Life is hard enough without having to tiptoe around eggshells, to hang out with an elephant in the room, to feel left out, or to share your life stories with people who disapprove of your life in the first place.

People change throughout the course of their lives. It’s futile to fight change when it comes.

You have to accept that the ones who once fit your life like a glove just don’t anymore. There doesn’t have to be grudges held or explanations given, but if it’s run its course, then be thankful for the memories and move on.

You shouldn’t have to feel obliged to keep friendships because they’ve always been there.

Sometimes trusts are broken, feelings are hurt, values change. And we need to evolve accordingly or get stuck in a place that will only keep us from getting the best out of life.

3. Unfulfilling career

It happens too often that people get and stay in jobs they don’t really like because they need to pay the bills. It never ends.

There’s always something that adults need to take care of financially. But at the end of the day, you’re not just spending your money, you’re spending your life paying for these things.

If you’re spending about 40 hours a week on something, you might as well make it something that you enjoy, something that ignites something in you or at least causes a spark in your soul.

4. Bad boss

It’s bad enough having an unfulfilling job, but to have to deal with a bad boss on top of it is just too much. There you are, slaving away for what feels like an eternity, and the devil himself is harking more orders and insults at you.

If your unsatisfying career comes with a bad boss to boot, you need to walk away immediately, no matter how ‘promising’ this company looks like on paper.

Your success in any field is also determined by the kind of people you’re working for.

You want a leader teaching you the ways of the world, not a boss who treats you like a slave.

No matter how impressive the company is and how good your name looks on the calling card, your future is doomed at the hands of a supervisor who thinks lowly of you and intends to keep you that way.

Look for someone who encourages you, who pushes you towards challenges you don’t think you’re ready for, who uses his own shoulders to give you a boost up the ladder.

5. Unsupportive partner

Our partners in life play a vital role in our success as people. They have the ability to make us or break us that’s why it’s important that you set a standard for what you are looking for in someone.

It’s not about judging people per se, but judging if they’re right for you.

If they have what it takes to weather storms with you, to be supportive of you no matter how hard or inconvenient it might be for them if they know and love you for all that you are and all that you could be.

If your partner is selfish and isn’t open to opportunities that might mean an inconvenient change and forces you to give up dreams, then you’re most definitely with someone you’ll outgrow in a matter of time.

They will hold you down instead of growing together. This isn’t the kind of person you want to spend your life with.

Find someone who will move in a heartbeat if you invite them on an adventure. Someone who will move mountains to make you smile. Someone who will share in the bad stuff as well as the good.

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Enjoy and have a great day.

Kind regards,
