3 Reasons Why “No” is a Powerful Word

Author of Manifestation Miracle

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3 Reasons Why “No” is a Powerful Word

We often hear people say that we need to say ‘yes’ more often and it’s better to practice in order to live a full life.

But if you think about it, saying “no” is a powerful word; it is the gateway for you to be able to say yes to some of the most important things in life.

The people who have mastered the art of saying ‘no’ are the ones who are more control of their lives. It takes more skill and finesses to execute a decline than an acceptance.

More people have a problem knowing how to turn down favors asked or refusing to do something they really don’t want to be doing.

Here are a few examples of ‘no’ making way for yeses.

1. Saying ‘no’ to your boss

Let’s face it, we’re all afraid of our bosses. Just hearing them call out our names sends us quaking in our boots. Their sudden towering appearance in our cubicle space automatically makes us rundown the last 10 tasks they asked us to do and see if we made a mistake somewhere along the way.

We breathe a sigh of relief when they utter praise to our last proposal or when they offer support for a project we’re working on.

Our need for their approval and to be on their good graces makes it hard for us to turn down a request made by the big boss.

Sure, the first few months to a year should be about showing what you’re capable of, sooner or later, you’re going to have to be confident in your skills and in what you bring to the table so you can turn down some things in order to 1) concentrate on projects that really need you there, 2) to set boundaries, and 3) to compartmentalize your life.

Working through weekends is good and well for someone who’s single and doesn’t have a family they want to spend quality time with. Knowing how and when to say no to your boss will give you the chance to say yes to devoting more time for other things besides work which is also important.

2. Saying ‘no’ to toxic people

It’s not easy trimming down our circle of friends, especially if most of them have been around since time immemorial.

But the fact of life is that you outgrow a lot of the people that you roll with, and some of them become so toxic to hang out with that you just have to cut ties.

The trouble is that we keep thinking they’ll change and that they’ll change for the better, or that the x-amount of years spent being friends will go to waste if you cut ties, or that giving up on them makes you a bad person.

Face the music, kiddo. Some people are really just meant to be cut out. The faster you learn to say no to having them around, the easier you’ll breathe.

You’ll be able to spend your days not holding your breath when their name appears on your phone screen or to have to avoid your favorite spots just so you wouldn’t run into them.

Be unapologetic about disassociating yourself from emotional vampires. This leaves room for more positive people to enter your life.

3. Saying ‘no’ to the wrong partner

Many people still settle for the wrong person because they think it’s better than being alone. While we all know that it isn’t true, when you’re the one in that situation, it’s harder to follow.

Before you start sharing your life with someone, make a checklist of the things you’re looking for. It’s important to have this so that you have a guide of your non-negotiables, the ones that you feel are the bare minimum for your future partner to possess.

It’s not a strict tick-off list, but it gives you clarity as to what you are really looking for and hopefully stops you from settling for just someone who’s there or someone mediocre, just so you have a companion.

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