5 Times in Your Life You Just Need to Say “Whatever”

Author of Manifestation Miracle

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5 Times in Your Life You Just Need to Say “Whatever”

We tend to sweat about the small stuff, whether you want to admit it or not.

We wish we were ‘big picture’ people all the time, but the reality is that we zoom in on too many details sometimes that the big picture just seems off.

There are times when we get lost in the mundane things like what to wear, what to eat, where to go, who to see, and we forget about the reasons why we do what we do.

We dress up to feel good about ourselves, to express ourselves, not to brag about what we can afford. We eat good food because our body needs nourishment, not because we’re trying to impress others. We go places to experience culture, not to be seen.

Here are a few instances wherein we just need to relax and not give a damn:

When deciding what your weekend would look like

Out partying and getting drunk til your insides are out or staying in pajamas binge-watching reruns?

This seems to be the normal debate in people’s heads as Fridays approach and one that should be pretty easy to decide on.

What makes it difficult is when we care too much what others would say about our choice. If we choose to go out parting til the sun is up, some will scoff and say it’s irresponsible. If we choose to stay in and be in pajamas, we’re lazy and boring.

Just do what you feel like. So what if you’re lazy and boring? You’re entitled to it after a work week. And if you go the other way, so what if you wanna let loose? You’re also entitled to it.

Don’t let other people dictate how you spend your time.

When one of your friends is having a fit

We can’t help but be people pleasers at one point or another. I guess it’s a natural desire to feel wanted, accepted, and part of something.

But when one or some of your so-called friends are being rude, judgmental, and too self-absorbed, you need to learn to back up and set boundaries.

Who cares if they say you’re being a bad friend for not putting up with their attitude. If you know you’ve done your share, it’s your prerogative to tap out when you’ve had enough.

Have the guts to tell them they’re being too much and you need a break because you don’t need that in your life.

When deciding on your love interest

Don’t ever pass up the chance to go after someone you like because you’re afraid of what your friends will say, what your family will think, or for the possibility that you might get shut down.

Love is one of the risks that you’ll never regret. It’s the kind of stupid you can always afford to be.

Let people judge you for being a hopeless romantic, a loon for love, because at the end of it, risking those things for the chance at finding a partner to spend the rest of your life with is worth everything.

When deciding your career path

It can’t be helped that a strong influence on what we’re going to take up in college is dictated by our parents. Most of the time they want us to take the same route they did, which results to the same career.

But the fact of the matter is, if your heart is not in it, you’re unlikely to succeed. Do you want to spend a huge chunk of your time doing something that’s not satisfying to you?

The answer should be a resounding ‘no’.

Who cares what they think you should be doing? They’re not the ones who are going to wake up on a daily basis to go to work. You are.

If you succeed, then great! If you fail, so what! The important thing is you keep going towards the direction you choose, not one that someone else chose for you.

When deciding what makes you happy

Your happiness is not something you should base on other people, not your friends, family, and not even your partner.

You need to be happy in your own, with yourself, to be truly happy with anything and anyone else.
Life is too short to waste living it the way you think others would approve of.

In everything, the trick is to control your life, not to have outside factors control you. At every turn, you have the ability to steer, and that’s what you should do.

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Kind regards,
