How Creativity Makes Laziness Productive

Author of Manifestation Miracle

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How Creativity Makes Laziness Productive

Who says lazy people don’t get things done? On the contrary, lazy people are some of the most creative minds. They want to accomplish the same results within a lesser amount of time, with a lesser amount of effort.

I would say they are the frugal voice of productivity. Creative solutions can save you money, time, and energy. Conventional or traditional ways of doing things are fast becoming obsolete.

So how do they do it? Here are a few tips to help you maximize your laziness, er, we mean creativity.

1. Going online

One of the perks of being connected these days is that you can get just about anything delivered to your doorstep. If you’re not the shopping type and consider going out to buy groceries or clothes a waste of time, then shopping sites are the solution for you.

There’s a whole range of things that can be delivered to you including, but not limited to–grocery, clothes, books, toys, toiletries, and tools. With just a click of a button, your needs could be on their way to you.

Of course, there are risks in size, quality, and delay in shipping, but you can say the risks are worth the effort.

2. Outsource your needs

Parallel to direct shopping online is the emergence of virtual assistants. If you have your own company or business but you don’t have the manpower or the budget for it, you can now outsource your needs to people working online.

A lot of companies big and small are opting for this as it costs cheaper to employ a “virtual team” rather than a physical one. You don’t have to do everything on your own anymore. Employing people online saves you from this.

This also gives you a wider pool of talent to choose from. You never know the pleasant surprises other cultures can contribute to your projects.

3. First time’s a charm

If you’re the type of lazy person that doesn’t like going back and forth to make corrections and being asked for more options and all that, you should do it right the first time.
Rushing through your tasks may be better for your short term gain, but in reality, if you don’t do a good job the first time, you’re going to have to gain momentum for the same task later on. This expounds more energy.

Pouring everything you have on your first try, exhausting your ideas and making it as good as you can will leave you feeling more accomplished when the task is done. Plus, you can be confident that your output is the best you can come up with and not some hodgepodge.

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Enjoy and have a great day.

Kind regards,
