Why You Need to Follow Your Instinct

Author of Manifestation Miracle

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Why You Need to Follow Your Instinct

Some people are natural-born thinkers. Among the thinkers, there are over-thinkers. There’s nothing wrong with thinking about things, decisions, and strategy, but too much of it will leave you paralyzed.

You’ll get to the point where being too logical and too calculating makes it harder for you to make any decision at all.

Option paralysis is an occurrence that comes with being too cautious. It almost borders on obsessive behavior.

To avoid this, there’s a simple solution–resort to following your gut instinct.

While some people scoff at the notion that anything should be followed purely according to what you feel, it does have its perks and rationale.

Think of it this way, when you’re dressing up, (this applies especially for the women), you go through your whole wardrobe, changing at least three times, and when you get frustrated on the fourth try, you resort to the first one you tried on. More often than not, that’s what you go with.

Another example is when you’re at the casino and you’re on the roulette table. Your gut instinct will churn out a number or a color, but you play it safe and choose the odds rather than your gut. Then, of course, the ball stops where your instinct told you to bet.

Yes, the second example may have more of a luck factor, but that’s half the fun of going to places like that. You get to follow your instinct and not look like a superstitious fool. On the contrary, those who don’t follow their instinct and end up in regret over their more logical choices are the ones feeling more foolish.

That goes the same way for decisions. A lot of people will say that going with what you feel is right or what you want to do at that moment is not the wisest thing to do. That may be right, but people regret intelligent decisions that made them unhappy much more than they regret stupid things that gave them extraordinary experiences.

When your gut instinct is wrong, you chalk it up to experience. But when it turned out you were right, it gives a distinct type of pleasure. One that boosts your confidence in yourself and your ability to make decisions for yourself.

When you pore over a problem, dissect it piece by piece, look at it from every angle, and then come up with a safe conclusion, the satisfaction of being right doesn’t feel quite satisfying. It just feels right because it was right.

But when your logical solution proves wrong, you feel cheated and makes you wish you just took the risk and not having to weigh everything out.

Being smart and doing what’s logical doesn’t always land you the best of everything. There are times when you’re called to think about something for more than a minute. Big decisions like buying a car/house, picking your college, deciding what insurance best fits your needs.

But when it comes to living life, figuring out what makes you happy, and chasing dreams, sometimes your gut knows more than you do.

They say flipping a coin helps you decide, not because you designate heads to one option and tails to another. But because for the split second that coin is flipping in the air, you realize what side you’re wishing it would land on.

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Enjoy and have a great day.

Kind regards,
