How to Deal with Pressure

How to Deal with Pressure

Author of Manifestation Miracle

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How to Deal with Pressure

Pressure is not always a bad thing. There are people who thrive under pressure, especially those that feel more compelled to finish a task when there’s a deadline or those that are compelled to finish well when there’s competition.

It can be a good thing to subject yourself to a pressure that makes you feel like you want to surpass your limits.

Then there’s the kind of pressure that breaks you. That pressure that paralyzes you into not doing anything at all.

The kind of pressure that makes you want to just curl up into a ball and wait for everything to fall apart along with you.

There are some things you can do to condition yourself to be the kind of person who thrives under pressure or at least not crumble in the face of it.


If you keep yourself physically fit, your frame of mind is also more alert and able to deal with changing situations.

Make it a point to do something physical like go to the gym or pick up a sport and play regularly.

Also, the competition that goes into physical activities, whether you attend a class at the gym or you play a sport, is also good practice for the kind of pressure that makes you a better person.

Don’t shy away from challenges!

Mind Over Matter

It’s not just your physical aspect that needs to be exercised. Your mind is an important muscle that needs constant stretching as well.

The more you condition your mind to separate emotion from logic, the better it will be at handling pressure.

Your emotions have a habit of getting in the way of reasoning.

When you succumb to the feeling of being overwhelmed, it will be more difficult to tell yourself to snap out of it.

You need to learn how to talk yourself out of a ledge when push comes to shove.

Find out what you can tell yourself to calm you down and rise to the challenge presented to you.

Expect the Unexpected

The better you are at not getting caught off guard, the better you’ll be able to handle things in a logical manner.

Always expect the unexpected! This means you make a backup plan for everything that you do, be it at work or in life.

Anticipate what could go wrong and ready a solution for that scenario. It won’t hurt to be prepared.

People who crumble at the face of pressure are those who don’t have the ability to see two steps ahead.


Being organized and knowing which one to put on the forefront of your life will help you greatly.

Sometimes the reason why people are caught off guard is that they prioritized the wrong thing and overlooked another.

If you learn how to keep your thoughts and your tasks organized, the better you can keep up with the things in your life.

When a situation calls for a change, you’ll be able to switch faster and better.

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