How to Deal with Things and People You Don’t Like

Author of Manifestation Miracle

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How to Deal with Things and People You Don’t Like

We all have that one friend we’re hesitant to invite to parties because we all know how boisterous and lewd she can get. Also, that one guy at work who keeps cracking discriminatory jokes in the break room. How about that negative relative who keeps asking you when you’re getting married or having kids?

Yes, we’re all exposed to the weirdos, naysayers, obnoxious people all around, and it can get pretty tiring having to deal with them or dread moments we could encounter them.

How you deal with these kinds of people will show what kind of person you are. It’s important that you develop a certain level of strength in character to be able to deal with them effectively.

Here are some ways that strong people deal with situations like these.

#1. Bear with it

It’s really challenging to have difficult people in your life, and sometimes the easiest solution, and a recommended one at that is to cut them loose. Do away with the hardship altogether and cut ties completely.

As tempting as that is, there is also another way– just bear with them.

Would it be easier to not have them in your life at all? Yes, definitely. But not everything in life is easy.

There are some difficult things you need to build your character, and having people who have different values, different opinions, different views, who challenge you with yours and don’t readily agree with you is one of those difficult things you should have in your life.

Remember, you’re also flawed, and your imperfection is also something that other people may find difficult as well. Yet because they want you in their life, they tolerate your flaws.

#2. Lower expectations

We often learn this one the hard way. It doesn’t just take one, two, or even three instances of the same disappointment to learn that we can’t expect people to act a certain way just because that’s how we would act in the same situation.

People are different. But you already know that. You also know that because of that difference, we react differently towards situations.

The more you expect people to be the way you are, the more you set yourself up to be frustrated because they’re not you.

The sooner you accept that reality, the lesser your frustration will be. Know them based on who they are and be the one to adjust accordingly.

#3. Speak up

It’s not about being confrontational or being rude, but it’s more about learning to communicate with them.

When you’re bothered about something, with a friend, a colleague, or a family member, you should give them a chance to change it. Maybe they didn’t know they were doing something that was offensive to you.

Make sure that when you talk to them, you use a tone that says it’s constructive criticism and not an attack on their personality. A lot of things can be worked out if both parties talk openly and courteously.

#4. Set a safe distance

While we encourage that you don’t cut out difficult people in your life just like that, it doesn’t mean we want you to keep them close to you like a shadow.

Space is important in any relationship. Sure it’s harder to set boundaries with people we actually like, but it’s still recommended to do so. The same goes for people we are not totally crazy about.

You need to create some space between you and other people. Since you can’t manage them and control their actions, do so with yours.

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Enjoy and have a great day.

Kind regards,
