How to Find Happiness

Author of Manifestation Miracle

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How to Find Happiness

Whenever someone is asked what they want out of life, most often you hear them say they want to be happy or some permutation of variables that lead to the same thing.

Is happiness really a hard thing to find?

Well, yes and no.

There are a few things you need to find first before you get to the point where you can say you’ve found happiness.

Here are a few points to ponder:

Define happiness

Sounds easy enough to do. Just throw in words like family, love, career, and it all makes sense.

But those are very vague concepts of what constitutes happiness.

Everyone is different. Therefore everyone has their own version, their own definition, of what will make them, specifically, happy in those areas of their lives.

You can’t just say having a partner. You need to specify what kind of partner would make you happy.

The same goes for saying you want a simple life. What, for you, is simple?

Is it being able to afford hamburgers every day? Is it owning a small apartment or a big house? Is it being able to travel?

You need a clear vision of what you want in life before you can take steps toward achieving it.

Choose it

A lot of people think that happiness comes to you by chance, but really, it’s by choice. It’s a lot like love. You need to choose it every day.

It doesn’t have a chance at staying in your life if you don’t make it.

You need to do things that encourage you to be happy, no matter how small or trivial you think they are.

If they make you smile, if it gives you a reason to be excited, then it’s good for you.

Happiness is not found in just the big things. Mostly, you need to form the habit of finding them in the little things that you do every day.

The universe is not going to hand it on a silver platter.

Un-Happiness is necessary

Just because you manage to avoid getting hurt, getting angry, getting discouraged, doesn’t mean that you’re off to a good start or that you’ve chosen the right path.

As with many things, we need to experience the bad to appreciate the good.

If you have been at your lowest point. Some time in your life when you felt it couldn’t get any worse than that, then you’re ready to at least glimpse happiness in your life.

There has to be something bad compared to what is good.

Be happy NOW

Stop putting off what could make you happy. Some make the mistake of planning for their future too much that they don’t know how to look at what’s right ahead.

Stop saying, “I’ll start saving when I get a bigger salary.” “I’ll be happy when I find the right partner” “ I want to travel, but I can’t get a vacation from work”.

Excuses are for the weak.

You need to prompt yourself to take chances when they are right there. The chance to be happy is one of those. Saving for the future, whether financially or otherwise, is a good thing.

But you can never predict what tomorrow brings. You might as well start saying “I’m going to be happy NOW, TODAY”

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Enjoy and have a great day.

Kind regards,
