How to Psych Yourself for a Big Change

Author of Manifestation Miracle

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How to Psych Yourself for a Big Change

Truth: No one’s ever 100% ready.

We’re always going to be afraid of changes.

No matter how courageous and free-spirited a person is, change is not something that you get used to.

That’s why we keep postponing getting married, having kids, switching jobs, putting up a business–because we’re afraid that we’re not ready for it right now. The myth of ‘someday’ is easier to fathom.

That a day we don’t know if it will come, will be the day when we’re more ready.


Here’s the thing, we might not feel it, but there are things that already sort of tell us that we’re ready. We just choose to ignore it for our own reasons.

Such signs are…


Being aware that there’s something missing, or something that doesn’t quite feel right, or that you’re craving for something different is usually a sign that you’re ready for things to take a different turn in your life.

Sometimes we tend to downplay this awareness precisely because we know what it means.

It means we’re going to be putting ourselves in uncertainty, putting ourselves out there to be targets to our fears, our insecurities, our doubts. It means we’re going to be beginners again somehow. It means life is about to get a little messier.

But it also means we’re still very much alive. And that feeling should trump all the other things bothering you.

Where you are in life

By now, you already have the skills you need to survive. You have made it this far in life. No matter how much you think that you’re lacking in terms of skill or in terms of knowledge, the fact is, you’re here, and you’re doing okay at the least.

You might not be the type to brag about yourself, or to toot your own horn, but you have abilities that have helped you reach where you are in life now.

Don’t shortchange yourself by thinking you’re not good enough. Obviously you are. You just need to find the confidence to believe in it.

You’re going to argue with yourself that so and so does things better, your friend manages her finances better, your neighbor knows how to garden better, your co-worker connects with clients better, etc.

But that’s also true of life–there’s always someone better. But that doesn’t mean you’re not good enough. Chances are, for someone else, you’re the one who’s in the ‘better’ category.


If you still have them, then you’re always gearing up for change. You know it’s coming because you can’t have dreams and be unwilling to change to achieve them.

Our dreams let us know where we’ve come from, where we are now, and where we want to be.

Having them means you are not done with life. You know you have some things left to offer, you know that you are still willing to learn, to be taught.

So check in with yourself and see what you can find that’s still there. It’ll never be too late to start to go after something you feel is worth your time and effort. Something that will make you happier than you are this second.

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Enjoy and have a great day.

Kind regards,
