On Being Awesome

Author of Manifestation Miracle

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On Being Awesome

You love hearing someone say that you’re awesome.

The satisfaction differs from person to person.

When you hear your kid or any kid say that you’re awesome, you feel pretty cool. When you hear your parent say you’re an awesome kid, it makes you feel accomplished. When you hear your partner say you’re awesome it makes you feel like a catch.

But any way you look at it, being full of awe is something pretty magnificent. Why, then, is everybody busy looking to be happy instead of looking to be awed?

It’s funny and noble when you think about everyone just looking to be happy.

It’s simple, it’s straightforward, but still, it eludes people. What more when you look for something deeper than simple, and vaster than anything you can imagine?

Needless to say, finding awe in your life can be challenging. Why still look for it?

#1. Because it puts things in perspective

Most awe-filled moments occur when you’re outside, in nature, or even just in the city.

Being surrounded by many things majestic like a sunset, sunrise, the view of the ocean, mountains, those things make you realize how small you are, in a good way.

When you’re blanketed by the sparkly night sky, your concerns, your problems, seem to drift away into the abyss and you’re suddenly comforted by the reality that you are but a speck in the whole quilt of life.

It gives you the strength and the calm you need to see things differently.

#2. Because it promotes improvement

Once you’ve seen or experienced something so awesome that it changes your perspective, at the same time, you’re moved to desire change–a change for the better.

When you see someone help another person out wholeheartedly, doing a random act of kindness that speaks to you, it makes you want to do the same thing.

When you’re part of a movement and you see the effect it has on people, the way everyone bands together to get a common agenda done, it makes you feel proud of yourself, of the thing you have been part of, and it makes you want to keep being part of things that make a difference.

These are the kinds of effects that being in awe brings. You want to become something bigger than yourself. You begin wanting to exist merely for yourself, but for others, for the good of a community.

#3. Because it give you more of life

Whether it changes your perspective or changes you generally, it’s safe to say that you’re never the same person once you’ve seen something that leaves you in awe.

And when you open yourself up to experience it more than once, imagine how much more of life you get back.

You are put in a great position to be more appreciative of life in the now.

Being in awe of something also makes you realize that life is finite.

There are things in the universe that make you feel so small that you are forced to rethink your strategy in life.

Suddenly, the small things that annoy you fade into the background, you’ll discover a more patient you. You’ll start to see how much more of people you have been missing and start appreciating them instead.

If you want to live life to the fullest, seek awe, not just happiness. Happiness is almost temporary, if you think about it. Finding meaning in your life takes more than just being happy.

You need to contribute on a deeper level. Let yourself be amazed and add what you can to the pool of amazing for others to discover.

You’ll thank yourself for it later on.

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Enjoy and have a great day.

Kind regards,
