How You Can Add Hours to Your Day

Author of Manifestation Miracle

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How You Can Add Hours to Your Day

People often complain that they don’t have enough time to finish everything in a day.

Well, if you’re aiming for everything, you’re really not going to finish all in one day. But we do have enough hours to do what we need to.

Reality check: everyone has the same number of hours, you, me, soldiers, the presidents of countries, the billionaires, and so on.

In the same number of hours, people are able to save lives, to educate, to invent something useful, to address nations.

Why do we seem to run out of time to wash our clothes, to do the grocery, to cook a healthy meal?

They accomplish more in their day because they know a few tricks to manage their time wisely.

Take control of your life by following a few tips:

Identify priorities

For the day, for the week, for the month. You need to look at your calendar in a month’s view. Look at your work schedule, your home schedule, and your social schedule. Plot them out.

After you’ve done that, prioritize according to necessity.

Break it down to smaller time tables like in a week, what do you need to have accomplished by the end of it? Then work your way backwards into what needs to be done on a daily basis to achieve that.

If you have a work deadline due on Friday, how many hours do you need to accomplish it? If you think you can finish in 4 hours, you can either do 1 hour a day starting on a Monday, or you can do it all in one sitting on one of the days.

It’s really up to you how you want to go about it, but do it in such a way that would be easiest for you to do so that you don’t run out of steam. Being organized with your schedule will help you feel motivated to do your tasks.

Pinpoint roadblocks

Be honest about what’s keeping you from accomplishing your tasks. Everyone’s guilty of a little procrastinating here and there, but if you’re constantly running after a few more minutes or hours to finish what you should’ve finished, then you’re doing something wrong.

We know that scrolling through our Facebook feeds and other sites keep us occupied far longer than it should.

What other things keep you from doing things you need? Do you keep saying yes to things that are unnecessary because you’re trying to please everyone? Do you oversleep? Do you go out too much?

There are a lot of possible culprits why you feel like you don’t have enough time. The best way to eradicate or minimize them is by knowing what they are first.

Make time

You need to schedule it to do it. You don’t just happen to have free time to exercise, you book a class and go to it. You don’t just happen to have time to sit down and read a book, you actually stop what you’re doing and pick one up.

Whatever it is that you want to do, if you really wanted to do it, you would carve time out to do it.

That’s the 100% truth.

When you want something you make a way to make it happen. Same goes for your priorities.

If you don’t have enough time to finish work, it’s probably because you didn’t allot enough time to accomplish it.

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Enjoy and have a great day.

Kind regards,
