Things You Can Actually Control

Author of Manifestation Miracle

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Things You Can Actually Control

Anxious People Beware!

Even my title alone is enough to induce panic among the anxious ones. But it’s a reality that all of us need to face: not everything is in our hands.

Like the timeless cliches, you need to stop worrying about the things you can control, and actually take control of the things that you can. If you keep wanting to control everything, you’ll lose more.

Sometimes it’s hard to determine if something is within our power to change or to steer.

We try to manipulate people, the environment, or the factors that will contribute to circumstances and get frustrated when the wind doesn’t blow in our favor.

So just to remind everyone, here are the things you actually have control over.

Your mind

You are entitled, nay, encouraged to have your own sets of beliefs, principles, values, ideas, etc. Nobody can dictate on you what should or shouldn’t be, especially if it goes against your nature.

You have the ability to shape your life accordingly because the mind is where everything is brewing. All your dreams, your strategies, your goals, your direction. They’re all there for your consumption.

The mind is a powerful thing. It can make or break you.

Use it to your advantage. Practice it to see the best in everything, to stay positive, but also to look at the negative as learning grounds.

It can easily trick you if you don’t learn to control it. Don’t let it play on your insecurities and your fears because it will get you if you let it.

Your actions

Your actions are the output of your thoughts. Whatever it is that you are brewing in your head, they are released, partly, via your actions.

There are times when people misconstrue “freedom”, like being free to do whatever they want. But that’s a double-edged sword. You’re free to do as you please but you cannot impinge on others’ right to judge you for them either.
You have no reign over what other people will think about you. You can only act in ways that will be consistent with the kind of person you are or the kind of person you want others to perceive.

That’s why your actions are a good indicator of your person. They reflect what it is that you see inside of you. It’s important that there’s no disparity between what you think and what you do.

Act accordingly.

Your words

Just as your actions are a byproduct of your thoughts, so are your words. So choose and breathe them carefully.

If your words are not consistent with your actions and vice versa, you’re going to be branded as a liar or a hypocrite.

Those who suffer from ‘word-vomitting’ think that they are not answerable to what they say because they don’t mean it, but even the words we utter in the heat of the moment can be chosen.

You are in control of your thoughts, so you can control what comes out of your mouth as well. Just because they’re in your mind doesn’t mean they should escape your lips.

Again, you’re free to say what you want, but know that you are liable for what happens when words escape you.

Stop saying it was out of your control because as a human being, you shouldn’t be a slave to your emotions and instead think before you speak and before you act.

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Enjoy and have a great day.

Kind regards,
