The Cloak of Vulnerability

Author of Manifestation Miracle

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The Cloak of Vulnerability

Being vulnerable is often linked to a weakness.

But it’s actually a strength as it takes more courage to be vulnerable than to project a strength that isn’t there.

Fear isn’t bad.

Everybody has something they fear.

Some are afraid of spiders, of heights, of being in large groups of people, of failing, rejection, pain.

You don’t become less of a person for being scared. It’s what you do with your fear that characterizes you.

People can be mean, they can be intolerant, and downright cruel, which makes it hard for others to show who they really are, what they really feel, believe, and think.

We don’t like exposing ourselves to criticism, to the possibility of getting hurt, and being rejected by others in any way can be painful.

So a lot hide in the guise of indifference, nonchalance, or sometimes arrogance.

What people fail to realize is that being vulnerable comes with more advantages than consequences.

Below are some of the things that you can benefit from if you indulge your vulnerable side:

#1. You don’t seek approval

The moment you decide that you want to show your true self regardless of the cost, you will feel bolder, stronger, and freer.

It doesn’t mean you’re not afraid to be judged. I think everyone is, no matter how brave. But their judgments no longer have a hold on you.

There’s no attempt to pretend to be who you think you should be. You’re not aiming to please everyone anymore.

#2. You have the freedom to explore

To be vulnerable also gives you the freedom to follow where your curiosity leads. Think of it as somewhat of a naivete.

You don’t worry so much about boundaries, about limitations.

You only see the possibilities beyond the horizon.

You’re not afraid to be seen as stupid, or reckless for pursuing what your heart tells you to.

#3. More opportunities open for you

Because you see the possibilities that lie beyond the horizon, it’s inevitable that people who make them vulnerable enough to explore are also the ones with whom opportunities are shown more.

Your fear of failing is usually the culprit in what holds you back from your potential.

But if you make your peace with the possibility of failing at any turn, then you allow your vulnerability to work for you.

#4. You notice and appreciate kindness

Those who open themselves up to be seen just as they are, to be judged by everybody else, are usually the ones who can spot genuine kindness in people.

They are good judges of character because they don’t have blinders on, they don’t attempt to please with their observations, and they see through the bull.

Vulnerable people will see who else is putting themselves out there in a manner that’s true to themselves.

It’s not always the loudest, or the most confident-looking person who is truly proud of themselves.

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