Tips on How to Manifest Your Dream Relationship

Author of Manifestation Miracle

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Tips on How to Manifest Your Dream Relationship

Everybody dreams of their Mr./Ms. Right. In our youth, we envision them to be what the fairy tales have taught us to imagine—a prince/princess.

But as we grow up, we discover that we have changing opinions or standards of what we want our partner to be like.

We learn, most often by trial and error, that we have non-negotiables, that people want different things, and that because no one is perfect we need to find the imperfect one who fits us perfectly.

It can be quite a test of patience and will for those still looking for their other half, but hopefully with these tips, one can learn to harness the power to manifest their dream love.

Believe in the possibility

Bad relationships tend to dismay people from looking for love once again.

Those who have been in bad relationships in the past tend to close off the possibility of opening themselves up in fear of getting hurt and going through the pain all over again.

When your mentality about love is like this, the slimmer your chances are of finding true love.

Why? Because love takes risks. You need to put yourself out there if you want to participate in the search for your soul mate.

You need to believe in the possibility that the person meant for you is out there, that it is not only possible but inevitable that you find each other.

Believe in the possibility of love.

Be clear in intention

Just like you are ordering at a restaurant, you have a clear picture of what you want and you order it from the waiter.

That is how you “order” your soul mate. You need to be clear on the picture that you want in the person. There’s no room for qualities or expectations that are on the fence or murky.

It sounds simple enough but it isn’t. Before you know what you want to find in someone else, you first need to know yourself well enough to figure out what will fit you.

It’s easier to know what you don’t want, but if you focus on the negative side, if you approach it as a reverse checklist, it’s not going to work.

You need to voice out what you do want. Be precise about it.

Use the principle of the Law of Attraction

Your current state of being will be the basis of whether or not you attract what you want in your life.

If you are grateful, happy, and confident about what you have now, you will tend to attract more of that.

You need to condition yourself to be the kind of person you are seeking.

Once you have embodied, once you have become the good you seek, then it will be more likely for you to attract it in your life.

The key to manifesting your innermost desires is to be a stable force in yourself because that’s the vibe that you will be resonating out there.

Focus on what you have rather than what you lack and the universe will respond to you. Be the ball of positivity you want to attract. You need to live as if you already have it.

Your actions and your thoughts need to correspond to what you’re trying to achieve.

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Enjoy and have a great day.

Kind regards,
