3 Things You’ll Never Regret Doing

3 Things You’ll Never Regret Doing

Author of Manifestation Miracle

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3 Things You’ll Never Regret Doing

There are times in our lives when the road separates into two roads—what we should do and what we actually want to do.

At every junction, most people think it’s in doing what we should that leads us straight to where we’re supposed to be. But it’s hard to ignore the part of us that wants to take the path less traveled.

Well then, don’t.

There are a few things you can learn by taking the longer route to your destination.

Who knows, you might end up somewhere totally different, but even more satisfying than your original plan.

Choosing your Major in college

To all those who listened to their parents and followed in their footsteps, well, good for you.

There are those who are cut out for the same things as their parents, but there are those who just thirst for something different. Being able to choose your own major is one of the first adult things you’d do in life.

It’s the first time you’ll take a stand for something you believe in or are passionate about.

Even if you end up wanting to shift to something else midway, or you have a hard time getting a job after leaving school, know that sticking to what you want will get you farther in life than if you just let anybody else decide that for you.

Being able to make a decision by yourself and accepting its consequences is not a lesson everybody learns, even later in life.

Choosing to love

Love can be hard, devastating, and downright cruel. It has the power to render our brains useless at times. It can be exhausting, disappointing, and of course, heartbreaking.

But the act of loving, of being open to it, is the bravest thing you will ever do.

You may regret the person after the relationship has ended, but you will never regret the experience of letting another person in and giving yourself.

There’s no rush that can compare to the adrenaline love can give you. And the prospect of having to make it right only once for the rest of your life is one of the things that makes it exciting.

Don’t ever close yourself to it just because it’s hurt you over and over. It only takes one person to make it all worthwhile. Choosing to love is much better than the alternative.

Choosing the quality of life instead of quantity

Our careers are very important. Not only does it keep us alive, but it also gives us the opportunity to mingle, to connect with people, to satisfy us on an intellectual level, and to express ourselves.

But we have to keep a balanced life. Work shouldn’t equate to life.

It is what powers it to some extent, but our lives shouldn’t revolve around our careers.

While it makes it possible for us to keep living, we need to actually live our lives to make it worthwhile.

Don’t be blinded by the money that comes in.

Yes, promotions are part of the goal, and so is climbing the corporate ladder, but every step you take does present its own set of consequences, and sometimes part of that is giving up a piece in the pie of life such as getting to spend time with family, having time to socialize with friends or maybe even dating.

You need to stand firm in drawing boundaries between professional and personal life.

Be vigilant about it because if you don’t, you might lose the battle and along with it a part of yourself that’s essential.

Take this 60 second Quiz…

Are you on the path you should be on towards a life of great wealth, love, health and more?

Or is something getting in your way?

Take this incredibly revealing 60-second quiz to find out…

60 Second Abundance Quiz 
(are you on the path to your dream life?)

Abundance Quiz

After taking the quiz, you’ll receive a free report revealing your personalised path to ultimate life success!

Enjoy and have a great day.

Kind regards,
