Articles by Heather Mathews

Forgiveness leads to Happiness

Author of Manifestation Miracle It’s quite hard to forget the pain that someone has caused you. Oftentimes, we choose to stay angry, ignore the person, and move on with our lives. We play back the painful memories of the offenses committed against us, repeating them in an endless loop. We…

3 Things You Need to Quit…Now

Author of Manifestation Miracle We are often the reasons for our own failures. Yes, outside factors contribute to why we fail, but they alone are not to blame for us deciding to fail. There are things in life that you can’t win. That’s just the harsh truth. But just because…

4 Tricks to Make You Feel More Confident

Author of Manifestation Miracle Not everyone is born with a natural charm, that which brings people together with no effort at all, the kind of charm that gets results, that magnets the object of your affection towards you, etc. Some people need to work harder to be and achieve those…

What Not to Do During Meditation

Author of Manifestation Miracle Meditation is not one of those things on your to-do list that you can just do and cross out. In fact, there is a lot of preparation that goes with it. To do a proper meditation, you need a space to do it in. Whether it’s…

Pillars of Youth

Author of Manifestation Miracle Almost everyone wants to stay young somehow. Women are obsessed with keeping their skin glowing and taut, while men act like boys and hold on to boyish dreams and charms alike for as long as they can. Since the ages, people have been looking for the…