How to Motivate Your Mornings

Author of Manifestation Miracle

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How to Motivate Your Mornings

Not everybody is born a morning person. For those who are more nocturnal, waking up in the mornings is quite a feat.

The urge to push that snooze button is strong in these ones.

It’s hard to shake off the feeling that you don’t want to get up and do anything, at least not until it’s a little less bright outside.

We do a pros and cons of getting up, and sometimes it’s just really tempting to ignore all the cons and cozy up with our pillows and comforters and wait for the next day to do everything.

For now, we just want to chill, and maybe Netflix later on.

But we can’t let our lazy selves conquer our mornings and rob us of a day to be productive. We need to find stronger-than-espresso reasons to get out of bed.

So here are 3 motivations that I can think of:


I think it’s safe to say that breakfast is the most popular among all meals. There are people who like having breakfast food for lunch and even dinner. Which makes it a good motivation to get out of bed.

Plan your morning menu ahead of time so you have something to look forward to. Maybe it’s good to imagine what you’ll be waking up to so that it’s easier to actually hop on out.

Getting excited about your meal is also a good way of making sure that you prepare one that’s healthy!

A good outfit

It’s good to update your wardrobe regularly. It’s not about keeping up with the trends just for the sake of it, but whether it’s dressing up for work or for yourself, you need to feel your best when you’re dressed.

Some people think it’s petty to let clothes motivate you to go out, but it’s a big chunk of your confidence if you think about it.

When you know that you have a killer outfit, one that will have heads turning in your direction, one that gives you the feeling of power, one that makes you feel attractive and sexy, you’re more likely to have the energy to go out and do stuff.

Looking good makes you feel good. (Note: exercise will help you get there as well)

Happy people

Sometimes the thought of having to deal with difficult people alone is enough to make us not want to let people know we’re awake.

Make it a point to converse with positive people, especially first thing in the morning.

If you’re a parent, it might be a good rule to implement in the house to only bring up positive things the moment they open their mouths to talk. This practice will help everyone feel better about the start of the day.

If you live on your own, have your top 3 happy people on speed dial, ready to pep you up and raise your level of excitement.

Your first conversations or encounters will matter most in setting the tone for the rest of the day.

(Note: don’t check work email or SMS first thing!)

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Enjoy and have a great day.

Kind regards,
